Parent Communication
Safety & Emergencies
State Inspector

True or False, Outdoor water tables can remain filled for the next classroom

False: Water tables must be emptied in between each use. 


How much notice should you give parents when you need items? (Example: diapers, wipes, or a cereal box for a craft). 

3-5 days minimum


If you are on the playground and you have to go back inside for any reason, what do you have to do?

1. Make sure you are in ratio before leaving. If you are not, you must call the office to get a teacher to cover you. Never leave the playground out of ratio. 


The order in which you sanitize and disinfect a diaper station.

Soap & Water and then Bleach and Water


The thing you should never do when the inspector is in your classroom. 



Name three things morning staff should have prepared:

1. Breakfast should be set up 

2. Activities should be set up

3. Bleach and water needs to be refilled


True or false: Children can wear necklaces during naptime?

FALSE: Children cannot wear any necklaces or anything around their necks when they are sleeping.

Is it ok to report bad behavior to a parent at the door?

No. Behavior questions need to be communicated through the office and a meeting with be set up. Only positive information should be given to a parent at the door. 


Name the ratio of bleach to water for disinfecting.

1 tablespoon of bleach to one quart of water.


How many Tadpoles pictures should you send for each child? 

At least 4 pictures in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. 

(Not multiple pictures of the same activity)


To prevent any injuries what should you remove inside your classroom/on playground.

Broken toys or broken play materials 


True or false: If a child is hungry you can offer your food or another child's food

FALSE: You can never share food with a child.


The first question the state inspector will ask you when they enter your classroom.

How many children do you have? 


Name four things afternoon staff should have prepared before morning: 

1. Restock for the morning: diapers/wipes, snacks

2. Toys and classroom are cleaned/sanitized for the next day

3. Empty garbage with fresh bags 

4. Bathrooms are cleaned and sanitized


What should staff be doing to be productive at naptime? Name two things

-Ensure naptime checklists are complete which includes:

1. setting up afternoon activities

2. cleaning is done

3. all backpacks are checked for correct items 

4. Tadpoles reports are complete from the morning


Which of the following can you take away from a child if they are misbehaving as a consequence? 

A) Food

B) Outside time

C) Participation in an activity 

D) Sleep

E) None of the above


How often do you have to change the bleach and water solution in order for it to work? 

A) Monthly

B) Daily 

C) Weekly 

D) Twice per week


What do you do if a parent asks about a situation at the door and there are other parents present?

Ask the parents to call the office (you never want to talk about another child's behavior in front of other parents).


Part 1: For safety purposes, what should you do before allowing your children to an outdoor playground or area? 

Part 2: Once on the playground, where should all teachers be? 

1. Scan/check the area to ensure no hazards.

2. Teachers should be on opposite ends of the playground with one teacher always staying near the exit to the playground.


When going outside to the playground, what items should you always bring with you? 

1. iPad

2. Tissues

3. If you have incentive charts 

4. Cell phone for emergencies

5. Thank you bag for garbage


Second question the state inspector will ask you.

How old are the children in your classroom? 


How do you make sure you don't lose children's items?

Ensure all items are labeled 


What are the only approved sleeping equipment for all children? 

Cribs or rest mats only. NO bouncy seats


What is the best form of discipline when a child is misbehaving? (There can be more than one correct answer)

A) Timeout 

B) Redirection 

C) Positive Reinforcement 

D) Yelling and intimidating 


Name five times where children must wash their hands.

-Before meals 

-After getting their nose wiped 

-After using the bathroom

-Arriving to school

-Coming in from outside 


Upon arriving, both morning and afternoon staff should check Tadpoles and look for what?

Parent notes (parents leave notes in Tadpoles to communicate information. They expect each staff person to be aware of the notes left).


Name 10 items that cannot be left on a table in the classroom.

1. hot beverages 

2. scissors

3. glue

4. stapler 

5. medication

6. knife 

7. bleach and water or any cleaning products 

8. food that is not being served (including personal food for staff)

9. Purses / personal belongings

10. glue gun


Name a fire hazard in a classroom.

1. Blocking the egress 

2. Leaving electronics plugged in such as oven, coffee pot, glue guns, croc pot, etc.


What should you ensure is in the refrigerator at all times? 

-milk cups/bottles 

-food containers 


What is the procedure to ensure bottles/cups/containers go into the correct bags. 

Upon arrival all items should be marked on your charts or whiteboards. Before the child is picked up the chart should be reviewed and match the items going back into the bag. 


Double Jeopardy! x2 points!!!

When children are resting, what should you be doing to ensure their safety? 

-Check for breathing every 5 minutes

-Ensure no blankets are covering faces

-All children's shoes must remain on

-Sleeping children are never to be left alone


If two children are fighting over the same toy, how do you handle the situation? 

1. Teacher gets on both children's level to explain to the child who is pulling at the toy that the other child is not ready to share yet.

2. Set a timer and explain that when it goes off, they will have a turn with the toy. 

3. in the meantime, offer the child another toy or to play with them and stay with both children until it is completely resolved. Praise both children. 


Name five times you need to remove your gloves.

-Immediately after cleaning a child's diaper area

-After wiping a runny nose

-After feeding a child

-If you are handling food without a utensil 

-After cleaning and disinfecting

-After pottying and diapering 

-After cleaning a wound or caring for a child who is sick


Double Jeopardy! x2 points!!!

What could make our reputation stand out vs. other daycare centers?


The interactions between the teachers and parents at drop off and pick up. 

Showing the parents how happy you are to see their child and how much you love them.


Name the times that you count your children.

1. Upon arrival / departure

2. Going in and outside to and from the playground 

3. Every 15 minutes in your classroom and while outside

3. Going to and returning from the bathroom


Name three safety issues that an inspector would cite in a classroom that would cause an injury to a child.

1. Stacked chairs

2. Missing outlet covers

3. Large items on a shelf that can topple over

4. Sharp objects left out

5. Personal items left in children's reach

6. Cleaning products left out in children's reach

7. Not knowing how many children are in your room. 

8. Leaving your room out of ratio.


If you need to step out of your classroom, what should you do before you leave.

Take your correct number of children with you to keep your class in ratio. 


Call the office to have another teacher cover you. 


Where should extra clothing remain? (Other than the infant rooms)

Inside the child's backpack.


Name at least 5 of the state napping requirements

1. All children must be offered a nap unless they are 4 years old or over.

2. All children under 18 months old must be offered 2-3 naps

3. Babies under 1 year old must sleep on their back

4. Babies under 1 year old must sleep in a crib

5. No babies are allowed to be swaddled 

6. All children's must have a sheet and blanket 

7. After 1 year old sleep sacs must be discontinued.

8. Children cannot be forced to nap, but must rest for the 30 minutes. If they are not resting, they must be given an activity (age 4 and under)


If a child is consistently hurting other children, what is our protocol to help.

1. Have a meeting with the parents.

2. Begin an incentive chart to reward good behavior.

3. Reward the child consistently when they are not paying attention.