
What is Social and Economic Violence and Climate Change?

A - Climate change, social and economic violence refer to interconnected issues where environmental degradation, societal unrest, and economic disparity intersect leading to systemic challenges and threats to human well-being

B - Climate change is merely a hoax fabricated to justify implementing oppressive social and economic policies, did regarding its actual impact on environment degradation, societal tensions and economic disparities

A - Climate change, social and economic violence refer to interconnected issues where environmental degradation, societal unrest, and economic disparity intersect leading to systemic challennges and threats to human well-being


Which is an example of Climate Change violence during Trumps Administration

A - Withdrew from the Paris Agreement and rolled back rolled back environmental regulations

B - Stayed in the Paris Agreement and continued to fund environmental regulations

A - Withdrew from the Paris Agreement and rolled back rolled back environmental regulations


Which is an example of Social Violence during Trump Administration.

A - Positively talked about migrants and discussed better treatment at the border.

B - "Zero-tolerance" immigration policy like family separations, fuels xenophobia and racism, discrimination based on race and nationality, higher rates of detention and harsh treatment.

B - "Zero-tolerance" immigration policy like family separations, fuels xenophobia and racism, discrimination based on race and nationality, higher rates of detention and harsh treatment.


Which is an example of Economic Violence during Trump Administration.

A - Focus on border security, shifts the system towards a merit- based approach prioritizing immigrants with specific skills and qualifications. 

B - Supported to migrant and their families at the border, also funded and supported housing and education.

A - Focus on border security, shifts the system towards a merit- based approach prioritizing immigrants with specific skills and qualifications.


Name one of the two organization mentioned for the social violence policy solutions. 

Black Alliance for Just Immigration ( BAJI ) or Haitian Bridge Alliance.