What is step 1 of IPB?
Define the Operational Environment
What is step 2 of IPB?
Describe the Environmental Effects on Operations
What is step 3 of IPB?
Evaluate the Threat
What is step 4 of IPB?
Determine Threat COAs
What are the threat's tactical defensive actions?
Area Defense
Maneuver Defense
What is the Area of Influence?
An area of influence is a geographical area wherein a commander is directly capable of influencing operations by maneuver or fire support systems normally under the commander’s command or control
What does O.A.K.O.C stand for?
Observation and Fields of Fire
Avenues of Approach
Key Terrain
Cover and Concealment
What are the different threat groups?
Regular Threats
Irregular Threats
Hybrid Threats
Situation Template
Threat COA Statement
Event Template
Event Matrix
What are the threat's tactical offensive actions?
Dispersed Attack
Integrated Attack
Limited Objective Attack
Spoiling Attack
What is the Area of Operations?
Area of operations is an operational area defined by a commander for land and maritime forces that should be large enough to accomplish their missions and protect their forces. The AO comprises an external boundary that delineates adjacent units AOs and includes subordinate unit AOs. Subordinate unit AOs may be contiguous or noncontiguous.
What does MCOO stand for? And what is it?
Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay
The modified combined obstacle overlay is a joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment product used to portray the militarily significant aspects of the operational environment, such as obstacles restricting military movement, key geography, and military objectives.
What are the IPB products developed in step 3?
Threat Template
HVT list
Threat Capability Statement
What is the difference between an HVT and an HPT?
A High Payoff Target is an ENY asset/system that BLUFOR needs to destroy for its own mission success
What is the purpose of the Threat's Defense?
Protect Personnel and Equipment
Restrict Freedom of Maneuver
Control Key Terrain
Gain Time
An area of interest is that area of concern to the commander, including the area of influence, areas adjacent thereto, and extending into enemy territory. The AOI also includes areas occupied by threat forces who could jeopardize mission accomplishment.
Severely Restricted Terrain
Restricted Terrain
Unrestricted Terrain
What are the different Warfighting Functions?
Command and Control
Movement and Maneuver
What is the purpose of the Threat's Offense?
Gain freedom of Maneuver
Restrict Freedom of Maneuver
Gain Control of Key Terrain, Personnel or Equipment
Gain information
What are the Significant Characteristics that need to be identified within the AO?
Civil Considerations
What is the typical width of a Battalion-sized mobility corridor?
1.5 kms
What are the forms of contact?
Non hostile
Electronic Warfare
Doctrinal rates of march
Time Phase Lines
Graphic Control Measures
Threat Composition, Disposition, and Strength
Task, Purpose, Method and End State
Key threat weapons system range fans
What are the differences between U.S. and Russian Officers?
1. Russian officers backbone of their service
2. Smaller units
3. Become a professional in their specific branch (they will stay in their branch their whole career)
4. Responsible for good order, discipline, and training of their assigned units
5. Smaller staffs - commander drives tactical mission sets, develops COAs from pre-planned battle drills
6. Largely dealing with conscript army - mandatory service is only 12 months
7. Very small almost non-existent NCO corps - meaning there are more officers at lower / smaller echelons, smaller units for more command and control