Where can you find if a student is military affiliated and using a benefit?
Holistic Summary page, scroll down to "Military Information" or “Financial Status.”
Financial Tab, scroll down to "Military Details"
Tuition Assistance
What type of student would use Tuition Assistance?
Active Duty, Reserves, or National Guard
What is the Knowledge Article to find what type of student can receive a Military Discount?
Tuition Discounts - Military: 000001551
If a military student using a benefit wants to get registered, what do you do?
Get them registered, create a course acknowledgement note and follow up with advisor.
Veteran's Administration
Do students who use Chapter 33 get a book stipend?
Yes. The stipend usually comes a month into the course. Likely will pay OOP and get reimbursed ($250 per term)
The Knowledge Article for a course acknowledgment note.
Military Registration Process: 000004254
What email do you provide to a student using TA?
If a military student wants to withdraw in a term, what should you do?
Let them know the policy and encourage them to connect with Military Benefits team before filling out the form to know how it can impact their benefit.
Permanent Change of Station
Do students who use TA have grad fee covered?
Once you submit the case for an active duty re-admit student to become active in a program, what is the knowledge article to follow to assign an Academic Advisor?
Student Experience Support Case for Advising: 000002416
What email do you provide a student using VR&E benefit?
If a military student calls in and says they just received military orders in the middle of a term, what should you recommend they do?
They should reach out to their instructor and make them aware of their situation.
If they can't make up the work/won't have access to a computer, they should file a dispute when they have military orders to provide to the Dispute Resolution Team.
Basic Allowance for Housing
What student would use VR & E or Voc Rehab?
Eligible servicemembers and veterans with service-connected disabilities to help them prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable employment
What is the Knowledge Article to follow when you work with an Active Duty Re-Admit student who wants to come back to a program/courses?
Course Re-Evaluation for Special Circumstances: 000004903
What email can you send documents relating to chapter benefits?
If a student's VR&E counselor reaches out and requests information on a student, can we provide that information?
Yes we can. We do not need a FERPA release form on file.
Certificate of Eligibility
Can students using Chapter 31, go through the normal change of program process?
No, the change MUST be approved by their VR&E counselor before we can make any changes.
A VR&E Counselor may request an Academic Worksheet to be completed. What is the Knowledge Article you can refer to in this case?
SESS Case for MyCAA and Education Training Plan (ETP) for Military Students: 000001408
If a student wants to send us their TA form or other military documents, where should the student be sending this information?
Military Drop Box