Safety Part 2
What's in my room?
Where can I find things?

What time(s) should you show up to serve in your classroom?

8:30 and 10:15 for prayer and community


Should you be on your cellphone when you are in the classroom?



What should you do if you end up alone with a child?

Intercom for help or step out into the hallway to look for someone. 


Where would you find a first aid kit?

In a drawer by the sink!


Where are extra supplies for lessons?

In the children's closest across from the 4th/5th grade room.


How many teachers should be in the classroom? 

Two! One adult and either another adult or teen!


We background check our adult leaders as well as have them take a safety course. What is that course called?

Ministry Safe!


What do you do if a parent does not have a pick up tag?

Send them to the front desk to print a new one.


Will there be a snack during services? 

Yes! (Puffs for nursery and walkers and some type of crackers for toddlers-5th grade)


What do I use to call for help or when I have a question?

The intercom in the classroom


What does "Warm is the New Cool" mean?

Building relationships and getting to know the kids to draw them in rather than with big flashy items. 


What do you do if there is an intruder?

shut and lock/block the door, turn the lights off, get the kids on the floor and away from doors. Most importantly stay calm!


Where do you go in a fire? And what do you bring?

Out the door in the children's wing! (by the toddler room) Bring your roster of kids with you.


We love to send cards to the kids! What kind of cards are in your room?

Thank you for visiting, birthday, and we miss you!


Where are the bathrooms for the kids?

Nursery through preschool are in the rooms. K-5th may use the bathroom in the hallway


Can we take the kids outside? What is the process?

Yes! You can go out the backdoor by the toddler room. Please make sure to take the purple key on the door!


What is the check in and out procedure?

Parents check in at the check in station. Kids always have name tag on that matches a security tag the parents have. Parents need to show you the parent tag to release the kids. 

Where do you find out if a child has an allergy?

On their name tag!


How do you keep track of who all is there each Sunday? 

A Roster! Located on our counter or in the black basket outside your room. 


Where do I play videos or music?

On the TVs in the classroom!


What do I do if I need a sub?

I find someone on the sub list. If you can't find someone email Brittany or Cindy. 


How do we get the babies and walkers outside during a fire?

Use the rolling cribs in the nursery room.


What kinds of physical touch are okay?

1. Sitting on laps is only appropriate for ages 0-4

2. Volunteers should refrain from rough housing, wrestling, shoulder or piggy back rides.

3. Only touch kids in "Safe areas for a brief time. These include hands, arms, shoulders, upper back, or gentle taps on the head.


Will there be supplies or things to help with the kids?

Yes! Toys and activities in each classroom. Lessons will be prepped for Toddlers-5th grade each week. 


Where do we put offering? 

In containers in the classroom and at the end of the service you can take it to the offering box that is in the same hallway as the children's closet.