This meme features a pet with a down-turned face who generally disapproves of everything.
What is Grumpy Cat?
"Hello darkness my old friend" is the opening line to a song by this musical duo.
Who are Simon and Garfunkel?
The phrase "yeet" is believed to have originated on this platform.
What is Vine?
A popular "face-palm" meme depicts this actor from Star Trek in a red shirt.
Who is Sir Patrick Stewart?
This popular children's character is often depicted alongside a textual meme that uses interspersed capital and lowercase letters to signify sarcasm or stupidity.
Who is Spongebob?
Featuring Sean Bean in Lord of the Rings, this meme is used to express the difficulty of doing something.
What is "One Does Not Simply"?
A meme often used to show approval and disapproval features two frames of Drake in an orange coat taken from this music video.
What is Hotline Bling?
"Eat hot chip and lie" gained popularity after the original post by David Jones on this platform.
What is Facebook?
A meme for showing exhaustion or burn out features this man in a blue jumper smoking next to a green beer bottle.
Who is Ben Affleck?
Widely rumoured to be immortal, this actor spawned memes when he was photographed eating a sandwich on a bench.
Who is Keanu Reeves?
This meme features Philip J. Fry from Futurama clutching a fist of cash.
What is "Shut Up and Take My Money?"
What is Hooked on a Feeling?
Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh, also known as "a fellow man of culture" first gained popularity as a reaction image on this site.
What is 4chan?
Although he has a ubiquitous presence across many meme formats, this actor is often photoshopped swaggering across other images while swinging his arms.
Who is Leonardo DiCaprio?
After appearing in Dos Equis beer commercials, this actor spawned the meme "I don't always... but when I do"
Who is Jonathan Goldsmith?
What is "Is this a pigeon?"
"Making my way downtown": a meme from lyrics of this song by Vanessa Carlton.
What is "A Thousand Miles?"
"That'd be great" meme depicts Gary Cole's character from this 1999 classic.
What is "Office Space"?
A photo meme taken at a "Justice League" red carpet in 2016 shows this man sneaking up on Henry Cavill.
Who is Jason Momoa?
Real name Tiffany Pollard, this star who appeared in 2006-2007's "Flava of Love" is often depicted sitting on a bed in sunglasses with an annoyed expression.
Who is New York?
This video meme involves a section clipped from Soviet-era song "I am Very Glad 'Cause I Am Returning Back Home" by Eduard Khil, often dubbed over film scenes.
What is Trololo Guy?
Internet-ubiquitous "rickrolling" consists of leading unsuspecting netizens to a Rick Astley hit released in this year.
What is 1987?
Internet catchphrase "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" features a mistranslation from this 1989 Japanese arcade game.
What is Zero Wing?
During one of his Netflix specials, this comedian joked about where he was when Princess Diana died, spawning memes that he killed her
Who is John Mulaney?
The female Shiba Inu known as Doge.
Who is Kabosu?