Who is Who at Millennium
Stevenson Campus
Path to Graduation
Rules, Rules, Rules...
School Culture
Is the face of the school, he is the school leader and was formerly a principal in Los Angeles. 

Who is Mr. Guy, Millennium's Principal?


Which floor would you go to if you have physical education?

Where is the 2nd floor?

Science lab classes are flipped with which other subject?

What is Physical Education?


In order to qualify for the regents in a Science course, you have to complete what requirement first?

What are lab minutes?

Name one of our annual functions/celebrations that have done as a school?

What is:

Halloween Bash

Thanksgiving Pot Luck

Holiday Bash

Winter Wonderland

Spirit Week

Spring Fling


This person has the middle name Red Gate and is the main go-to administrator in the school. 

Who is AP Connolly?

How many schools are in Stevenson Campus?

There are 6 schools in Stevenson Campus.


These are the number of credits any senior needs in order to graduate.

What are 44 credits?


How many deans do we have at Millennium Art Academy?

What are 3 deans?


The mascot of Millennium Art Academy is...

What is the Millennium Falcon?


This person is one of two physical education teachers that is also one of the deans. They will also be in charge of the weight room. 

Who is Mr. Fleitman?


What is it called when you wander onto the floor of another school?

What is trespassing?

In order to graduate high school, you need to successfully have which two components of each core subject?

What are your regents exams and course credit?


If you have a problem with another student or teacher what do you ask the deans for?

What is a mediation?


If you have good behavior in school you get rewarded using which program?

What is the PBIS program?


This person is the history teacher for freshmen, the school programmer and she runs student government. 

Who is Jenna Ciaccio?


When you enter through the building and scan in you must make sure to take off the following items:

What are:

Belts, Do-Rags, Hats, Hoods, Hair Pins, Bulky Jewelry, Smart Watches


How many credits should you earn in ELA, History, and MATH by the time you get to Senior year?

What is:

8 in ELA

8 in History

6 in Math


If I need to use the restroom what are the two times I should not ask to leave the room. 

What is ten minutes AFTER the bell and what is ten minutes BEFORE the dismissal bell? 

Name at least five Millennium clubs:

What are:

Student Council                 Crocheting

Ukelele                             Yoga

Art Club

Dance Club

Gaming Club



This person is the supervising school aide and is considered the backbone of the school...don't call them by their first name!!

Who is Deidre?


When you get into the building where do you put your cell phone?

What is: Your 8th-period class?


In order to graduate High School you need at least this many credits?

What are 7 elective credits?

There are two different kinds of suspensions...what are they?

What are superintendent suspensions and principal's suspensions?


Name 3 school trips that Millennium students have had in the past?

Trip to Italy

Trip to Spain

Trip to Washington D.C.

Trip to Medieval Times

Six Flags Trip for Fright Fest

Senior Night