This can be broken without ever being held.
What are...
A promise
A heart
This all-time sports franchise has 27 championships.
Who are the New York Yankees?
This local park hosts the annual "Bright Nights" light display running roughly from the day after Thanksgiving to around New Years.
What is Forest Park?
Name this man
Who is Steve Winn?
This kind of lion never roars.
This American holiday has its origins from a Gaelic festival celebrating the "darker half" of the year.
What is Halloween?
What is the Kielbasa Festival?
This is the number of units that you receive when you obtain a standard TM authorization.
What is 208 units?
What is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?
This has one eye, but cannot see.
What is a needle?
This iconic toy manufacturer has it's headquarters in Bilund, Denmark and was invented in 1932.
What is Lego?
Despite a rumor that he did not like Children, this author from in Springfield, MA is one of the most recognizable names in children's literature. He's known for his "wacky" writing style.
This is the highest level of HUB care within a service team.
What is ICC?
What is Oppositional Defiance Disorder?
This can be found on the ground but never gets dirty.
What is a shadow?
A group of flamingos is called this.
What is a flamboyance?
This western mass city earned it's "Whip City" nickname from it's famous manufacturing of well... whips.
What is Westfield?
There are 2 BHN offices in Ware, name both addresses.
What are...
96 South Street?
82 Main Street (home of the FRC)?
Characterized by unstable moods, a negative self-image, chaotic relationships and rapid changes in feelings toward others this diagnosis's acronym is BPD?
This begins with an "e" and only contains one letter.
These are the names of the 5 Oceans.
This former local sports team called the Springfield Civic Center home off and on from 1972-1994.
Who are the Springfield Indians?
This is the organization that determines whether BHN keeps its accreditation from year to year.
What is CARF?
This is the full name for the DSM-5 which is a one stop shop for explanations of mental health diagnoses.
What is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental heath disorders?
This is bought by the yard and worn by the foot.
What is a carpet?
This popular role playing game has table top, video game and self-created script versions. In the non video game versions, player will create characters by choosing a race, class and skills assigning points to attributes like strength and intelligence.
What is Dungeons and Dragons?
This was the first year of the Big E.
What is 1917?
This is the year that BHN was founded.
What is 1937/1938?
Behavioral Health Network, Inc. (BHN) was founded in 1937/1938 as the Child Guidance Clinic of Springfield, Inc.
What is a deck of cards?
This book by Lewis Carroll has the line "If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."
What is Alice In Wonderland?
This is the nickname or moniker of Springfield, Massachusetts earned through a history of innovation.
What is "The city of firsts?"
Individual Worth, Empowerment, Diversity, Honesty, Integrity, Fairness, Respect, Valuing Each Other, Teamwork and Continuous Improvement are some elements of this.
What are BHN's core values?