Year 2020-2021
General Knowledge

This country was on fire for the early half of 2020.

What is australia


The country where the ever given got stuck in, due to powerful winds.

What is Egypt

Where is Egypt


 Which American president appears on a one dollar bill?

who is George Washington


This song originally became popular with a Hatsune Mikku rendition, and later became popular again in 2020, with Haachama even doing a very curse rendition of it.

What is Levan Polkka


This videogame was one of the most hyped games ever. However, after it's released it was seen as the biggest disaster in video game development.

What is Cyberpunk 2077


The country of India is currently experiencing protests in a scale never seen before. Which group is launching this protest?

What is the Farmers

Who is the farmers


This country shares the longest land border with France

What is Brazil

Where is Brazil


This individual is well known in the modern era as Santa Claus. Who is this individual? 

Who is Saint Nicholas?


This musician used to be part of the supergroup The Beatles, and in one interview proclaimed that they are "Bigger than jesus". Who is this musician?

Who is John lennon


This is the highest earning video game franchise of all time.

What is Pokemon


The year 2020 saw some of the most iconic legends in the field of entertainment pass away. This iconic legend passed away in 2020 in a tragic accident. However, controversy has risen due to the fact that responders illegally took pictures of the deceased's body and was caught showing them to others. Which iconic legend that passed away?

Who is Kobe Bryant.


This country used to hold the city of Goa located in India, before it was annexed the city was annexed in the 1960's.

What is Portugal

Where is Portugal


The Tet offensive was major operation launched by the North Vietnamse army during the Vietnam war in order to demoralize and route the US armed forces in Vietnam. On which Vietnamese holiday did it launch?

What is Tet?

What is the Vietnamese Lunar New Year?


This song released in 2019 lasted for over 19 weeks as the top single in the Billboards 100. What song is this

What is Old Town Road by Lil Nas X

Old town road is fine


This is the highest selling video game of all time. What is it?

What is Minecraft?


The United States and Iran had a tense relationship ever since the Iranian Revolution. However, the United States committed an action that raised this tension level into a new height. What did the United States do?

What is assassination's, assassinating 


This South Asian country is has a larger population than both Canada and Australia combined. It is well known for it's shipbreaking industry.

What is bangladesh

This is the first constitution of the United States shortly after the Revolutionary war. What is this document called?
What is the Articles of Confederation?

This song is the most popular and well known song of the anime community sung by Yoko Takahashi. What song is this?

What is Cruel angels Thesis


This video game was rushed in development and in production in order to fill in the shelves for Christmas However, due to terrible graphics and buggy gameplay it's sale was so abysmal that it caused the Vide Game Crash of 1983. What is this game?

What is ET


This vtuber graduated this year. WE all love her.


This country in Asia has stopped using the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) as measure of their nation and instead used the term Gross National Happiness to measure it's country.

What is Bhutan

Where is Bhutan


There are three key strait when it comes to the global trade. The strait of Gibraltar located in South Western Europe, the Strait of Hormuz located in the Persian Gulf. This strait is in South East Asia. What is the name of this strait?

What is the Strait of Malacca


In the year 2016, this composer sold more CD's than the artist Beyoncé, despite the fact that they have been dead for a very long time. Who is this artist?

Who is Mozart


Dean Takahashi made round all over the internet when this 2017 game came out, due to not getting past the tutorial. What is this game?

What is cuphead?