Basic Concepts
Famous Deductive Forms and Flaws
Inductive forms
Informal Fallacies
More Informal Fallacies

A true or false statement that precedes the conclusion


If A then B. If B then C. So, if A then C.

Hypothetical Syllogism


Adam Smith stated that markets are guided by an invisible hand. Adam Smith is the father of economics. Therefore, markets are guided by an invisible hand.

Argument from Authority

Scientists have not found signs of alien life over hundreds of years. Therefore, aliens do not exist.

Appeal to Ignorance


Every woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body (as long as she harms no one else). Having an abortion is doing something with one's own body (and not harming anyone else). So, every woman has a right to have an abortion.

Begging the question


The part of logic concerned with tests for strength and weakness.

Inductive logic


Either virtue is good for its own sake or it is good as a means to an end. It is not the case that virtue is good for its own sake. So, virtue is good as a means to an end.

Disjunctive Syllogism


80% of the class will fail the logic test tomorrow. You are in this class. You will fail the test tomorrow.

Statistical Syllogism


Why do all philosophical problems turn out, in the final analysis, just to be a question of how to define terms?

Complex Question


Your honor, my client is a first time mother with no father in the picture. Its hard to be in her position, so you should give her a second chance.

Appeal to pity


True or False: Weak arguments can cogent or uncogent

False, All weak argument are uncogent


What is the name of the famous flaw commonly found in invalid attempts at Modus Tollens

Denying the Antecedent


Thirty percent of the dogs that have been dissected have had kidneys. Hence, thirty percent of the members of the class of dogs have kidneys.

Induction by Enumeration

You are allowed to think whatever you want about this merger, but if you speak out against it, then you will be fired.

Appeal to Force


When you get down to it, philosophers are just lazy logic choppers who sit around trying to put reality into little boxes made of words. So, the philosophical arguments against time travel prove nothing.

Abusive ad hominem


True or false: It is impossible for the conclusion to be false if the premises are true in a strong argument.

False, "strong" refers to inductive forms which never guarantee the validity of the conclusion


Overeating is foolish only if it causes disease. Overeating does not cause disease. So, overeating is not foolish.

Modus Tollens


Nero, you'll recall, played his violin while Rome burned. Similarly, scholars play with ideas while civilization is threatened by the 'flames' of greed, poverty, racism, and violence. Now, plainly, Nero was morally irresponsible. Hence scholars are morally irresponsible also.

Argument from Analogy


Nuclear weapons are more destructive than conventional weapons. Therefore, over the course of human history, more destruction has resulted from nuclear weapons than from conventional weapons.



I read in the Seattle Times that most traffic accidents occur within five miles of your home. Now, given this fact, I'm forced to conclude that it would be a good idea for you to relocate to someplace more than five miles distant from your home.



True or False: Every valid argument with a false conclusion has at least one false premise.

True! Valid arguments guarantee the conclusion if the premises are true.


If Mary is a psychiatrist, then she is a physician. Mary is not a physician. Therefore, Mary is a psychiatrist.



Daily double!

True or false: Some arguments have more validity than other valid arguments

False, validity is an all-or-nothing category with no scale


The leader of this new religious group preaches the following message, "We shall wear no clothes to distinguish ourselves from our Christian brethren." Therefore, this religious group should be opposed. For it advocates nudity.



Most Americans insist that terrorism is always wrong, but they are mistaken. Terrorism, after all, is simply the use of violence to further political ends. And no country on the face of the earth employs more violence to further its political ends than America does. So, Americans are in no position to condemn terrorism. Besides, one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Why can't Americans see that their own revolutionary war heroes were all terrorists?

Complex question or tu quoque