Let's Be Real (myth or fact)
Are you serious?
Deal with it
Help a brother out
Riddle me this

Mental disorders are a consequence of bad parenting or personal weakness. 

  1. Myth. The main risk factors for mental illness are not bad parenting or personal weakness but rather genetics, severe and prolonged stress (such as physical or sexual abuse), or other environmental influences, and brain chemistry.


Children don't experience mental health problems

Myth. Even very young children may show early warning signs of mental health concerns. They can be a product of the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.

Half of all mental health disorders show first signs before a person turns 14 years old, and three quarters of mental health disorders begin before age 24.


True or false. The best way to deal with a mental health condition, for example depression or anxiety, is to snap out of it.

False.  Fighting a mental health condition takes a great deal of strength because mental health disorders are a medical condition, not a mood.


What are some examples of coping mechanisms that men commonly use?

According to a research done in Australia, the top 10 coping mechanisms that men commonly use are: 

  1. Eating healthily (54.2% do this regularly)
  2. Keep myself busy (50.1%)
  3. Exercise (44.9%)
  4. Use humour to reframe my thoughts/feelings (41.1%)
  5. Do something to help another person (35.7%)
  6. Spend time with a pet (34.8%)
  7. Accept my sad feelings/ 'this will pass too' (32.7%)
  8. Achieve something (big or small) (31%)
  9. Hang out with people who are positive (30.8 %)
  10. Distract myself from negative thoughts/feelings (30.5%)

Why do you run faster when you have a cold?

You have a racing pulse and a runny nose


Mental illness and poor mental health are synonymous.


Someone with a diagnosed mental illness can have good mental health, and someone with no diagnosed mental illness can experience poor mental health.


There are Disorders that Only Affect Females

Fact. 1.Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) 

2.Postpartum depression 

3. Perimenopausal depression


True or false- Men with mental illnesses are violent 


The mind is complicated and quite serious – it isn’t like some melodramatic show. You don’t “turn” or become somebody else just because you develop a condition. In any case, many mental health conditions are largely nonviolent, and a great number of them are also hidden – most people with mental illness are not violent and only 3%–5% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness. This is especially true for men, who may already have trouble showing their emotions due to a number of factors.


Are mental illnesses a form of intellectual disability or brain damage?

No. They are illnesses just like any other, such as heart disease, diabetes, and asthma. Yet the traditions of sympathy, support, and flowers given to people with physical illnesses are often denied to those with a mental illness.


What do you call a small wound?

A short cut


Genetics can play a significant role in whether a person develops a mental illness or not.

Fact. Although you will not necessarily develop any kind of mental illness, if someone in your family has a mental disorder you will be at higher risk


People are born with a mental illness

Fact: A vulnerability to some mental illnesses, such as bipolar mood disorder, can run in families. But other people develop mental illness with no family history.


True or false- Medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems.

False. Medication can be helpful, and is sometimes necessary depending on the severity of the issue, but other methods such as therapy and counselling can also be very helpful. Talk to a doctor about all of your different options.

True/ False- If you find the right words to say and spend enough time with them, you can cause your friend to get better when they are experiencing a mental health issue.
False. Temporarily you can make them feel better, but if there is an underlying cause making them feel bad, you can't fix it on your own. Sometimes helping a friend through something like this is challenging and frustrating because you cannot instantly make everything better. Being patient is key, and realizing that they need to be able to work out their own problem is needed to avoid burning yourself out. You can be a huge support for them, but ultimately you cannot fix everything.

I build bridges of silver and crowns of gold. Who am I?

A dentist

New fathers can experience postnatal depression. 

Around one in 10 new dads get postnatal depression. 


Women Are More Likely to Seek Help for Certain Conditions

Fact. One in four women will seek treatment at some point, compared to only one in ten men.

 Generally, it is thought that women are more comfortable addressing their emotions than men. 


What often brings people experiences and feelings of shame, blame, hopelessness, distress, misrepresentation in the media, and reluctance to seek and/or accept necessary help?



True or false- you need to know exactly what you're going to say and how you're going to say it before you talk to a counselor.

False. Counselors are there to listen to whatever is troubling you, and you can open up to them at a pace that you are comfortable with. Tip: if you feel like you might get nervous and freeze up, it often helps to write things down before your appointment. This also helps you to organize your thoughts and put things in perspective.


What is the difference between a hill and a pill?

A hill is hard to get up, a pill is hard to get down.


Men attempt suicide more than women.


Women are roughly three times more likely to attempt suicide than men. However, men are considerably more likely to die from their suicide attempts, and it is believed that this may be down to them tending to choose more violent methods.


It is impossible to prevent mental illnesses.


Prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders focuses on addressing known risk factors such as exposure to trauma that can affect the chances of developing mental health problems. Promoting the social-emotional well-being leads to:

  • Higher overall productivity
  • Better educational outcomes
  • Lower crime rates
  • Stronger economies

How can making mistakes be used to improve self-esteem?

Mistakes can be used as an opportunity for learning and growth.


Name 3 reasons why men hesitate to get help

They don't want to "burden anyone else with their problems", it is hard to talk about, it makes them feel vulnerable, fear of being judged, stigma, don't know who to tell, don't think the problem is "serious enough", asking for help is "giving up", no resources available, or because it's "feminine". Fact: Your friends will feel worse if you don't come to talk to them if you need help/ need to talk. They are your friends for a reason, and they don't want you to feel bad! don't be afraid to talk about it!


Doctor Harish and a bus driver Manish are both in love with the same woman named Priyanka. The bus driver needs to go on a long trip of 10 days. Before he left he gave Priyanka 10 apples. Why?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!