What is the legal drinking age in the U.S?
True or False: Alcohol effects men and women differently
True! Women tend to have higher BACS in comparison to men when drinking the same amount of alcohol.
True or False: Keuka college is a dry campus.
False! You can drink on campus as long as you are 21 years old.
What is the safest form of transportation after a night of drinking?
A designated driver
Drinking water and doing light exercises can help sober you up!
MYTH! Time is the only thing that can decrease blood alcohol content.
What does BAC stand for?
Blood Alcohol Content
True or False: It is totally okay to drive if you've had a little drink, but your BAC is under .08
FALSE! Drinking effects everyone differently. Don't risk it. You could still be impaired with a BAC of .05.
You're at a party and you see someone who is severely impaired. They are convulsing, vomiting, and having a hard time staying conscious. They may be experiencing alcohol poisoning! Who do you call?
Campus Safety
What is the name of an accessory that you can buy, that can protect your drink from being tampered with.
Cup Condom
Eating before drinking can help slow alcohol absorption.
What type of drug is alcohol?
A depressant
Teen alcohol use kills about _______ people each year. a) 1,600
b) 4,700
c) 6,800
True or False: It is okay to drink in your room as long as you are 21. It does not matter how old your roommate is.
False. According to Keuka College Policy, your roomate must also be 21. If not, the alcohol must be kept on your side of the room at all times and you can not openly drink it in front of them/if they are present.
You should limit your drinking to ____ many drinks per hour to stay within a safe range.
Everyone/most people drink alcohol.
MYTH! A reported 1/3 of the U.S population does not drink alochol.
An 80-proof drink has what percentage of alcohol?
Alcohol poisoning could potentially result in this life-threatening condition in which a person does not wake up?
True to False: You will not get in trouble if you report/call for help with an alcohol-related injury or incident, even if you are also participating in underage drinking.
True! You are protected by Keuka College's Good Buddy Policy.
This acronym, used by emergency personnel, helps identify signs of alcohol poisoning
CUPS (Cold, unresponsive, puking, slow breathing)
Overconsumption of alcohol can permanently damage your liver
Who is more likely to die as a result of alcohol abuse? Men or Women
Men are 3x more likely to die from misuse of alcohol!
At what BAC does alcohol poisoning typically occur in?
There are a couple of 21 year old's drinking beer, and playing beer pong in a dorm room. Everyone there is of legal drinking age? Are any Keuka College Policies being broken?
Yes! Regardless of age, any drinking games are prohibited on campus as they encourage unsafe drinking practices.
This term refers to alternating between alcohol and non-alcohol drinks in order to stay hydrated!
It is okay to engage in sexual intercourse with someone who is intoxicated, as long as they are are awake.
MYTH! Engaging in sexual intercourse of any kind with an intoxicated person (BAC of .08 or higher) can be considered assault, as they are not in the right state of mind to consent.