What is Mindfulness?
Paying attention on purpose to what is happening right now; Living in the present moment; Allows us to gain awareness and make more informed decisions
What are the 3 WHAT skills? (ODP)
1) Observe 2) Describe 3) Participate
Name the three "how" skills:(NJS, OM, EFF)
1) Non-judgmentally 2) One-mindfully 3) Effectively
What is one area in your life you would like to increase mindfulness?
eating, fun tasks, working, interactions, etc.
How might mindfulness tie into distress tolerance?
Being aware of distress level and using skills to be effective
What are the 3 states of mind?
1. Emotion mind
2. Reason mind
3. Wise mind
Define the observe skill and how you may use it
Notice without judging or changing * Taking in information and noticing new things * Being aware of teflon mind vs. sticky mind
How might you use Non-Judgmental Stance?
Not evaluating things as good or bad; looking at facts; lettings judgments go
How can one indicate if you are being mindful/here in the moment?
Eye contact, appropriate responses, little distraction
What are some ways we may use mindfulness to tolerate distress?
Check in with our thoughts, body, and feelings
Identify skills that may be helpful
catch distress at a lower intensity
increase choice in actions
What is the definition of Emotion Mind?
Mood Dependent; Emotion Focused
- falling in love, grief, etc
Define the Describe skill and how you may use it.
Describing or labeling the experience; It is noticing and putting word to a feeling, thought, observation.
Define one mindfully and how you may use it.
Doing one thing at a time with full attention; Letting go of distracting thoughts, feelings, or actions; Concentrating your mind; Doing one thing at a time
What are some of the benefits of mindfulness?
making less mistakes, more insight, appreciating the moment, more effective, recognizing patterns, feeling more calm, etc.
What is one way you use grounding?
Deep breathing, sensations, self soothe, imagery, 5-4-3-2-1
What is the definition of Reason Mind and what is one situation it is helpful?
Rationale; Task-Focused
- making a big decision, purchasing a car, etc
Define the Participate Skill and how you may use it:
Completely being one with an experience. Fully and completely being a part of what we are doing. Deciding how we want to engage after observing and describing.
Define the skill Effective:
Doing what works in the situation; Doing what will make things better, emotions aside; Acting skillfully
What is OTAT and how might you use it?
One thing at a time
- when feeling overwhelmed, to prioritize, and to focus on one task at a time.
What does distress look like (emotions, thoughts, body sensations?
racing heart, angry, scared, anxious, feeling warm, body on edge, flushed, overwhelmed thoughts, etc
How would you know you were in (Pick one) state of mind?
1. Emotion mind- quick to react, angry, sad, impulsive
2. Reason mind- cold, stubborn, too logical
3. Wise mind- responsive, using values to guide decision, taking emotions and facts into consideration
What is the goal of using the what skills?
To get into wise mind
Increase awareness and effectiveness.
What is the goal with using how skills?
They tell us HOW to engage with mindfulness skills to get into wisemind.
What are the 3 goals of mindfulness?
1. Increase awareness
2. Pattern recognition
3. Slow down
What's one way to increase mindfulness of our feelings?
diary card, check ins, odp, describing to others how we feel, etc.