What are the 3 States of Mind?
Rational Mind
Emotion Mind
Wise Mind
What is Mindfulness?
gaining awareness to understand how we're feeling or behaving -reduce suffering and increase happiness -increase control of your mind -experience life -remaining nonjudgmental or yourself and others
True or False: Reasonable mind is better than emotion mind
False! We need ALL States of minds at different times, but work to have a balance of all.
What is an example of EMOTION Mind
Examples: telling someone "I hate you" During a fight; Throwing or hitting something when upset; shutting down when presented with difficult work
What is Reasonable Mind?
Cool, rational, task-focused, ruled by facts/reason/logic
What are the 3 steps to Achieve Wise Mind?
Acting in Emotion mind ONLY can create dangerous situations for yourself and others?
True! When we act on emotion mind ONLY we lean into impulses and can say or do hurtful things
What is an example of RATIONAL Mind?
Examples: Logic based skills such as math; making a shopping list; pros and cons list
What is Emotion Mind?
Hot, mood-dependent, emotion-focused, ruled by feelings and urges
What 5 senses do we use to OBSERVE?
Reasonable Mind is considered being "cold" or "logic" based thinking?
True! We think with our facts vs feelings
What is an example of WISE mind?
Examples: Choosing to get up and go to the gym when you are tired; going to school when feeling sad; to act on our behaviors or not (taking in all considerations). Walking away from a situation to Take Space; mindful breathing
What is Wise Mind?
Seeing the value of both reason and emotion -Walking the Middle Path. Compromise of all the minds
What does it mean to use your Describe skills?
Label WHAT you observe- Describe your thoughts and feelings with "I feel...I'm having the thought that..." "They are rolling their eyes" "MY heart is beating fast"
Focusing on one thing in the moment can help alleviate pain, distress, and increase awareness and attention
True! In order to tame our emotions and actions we must first be able to recognize what is happening
Give an example of a time YOU have been in one of the 3 states of mind? You Choose!
*Personal Answer