Define Mindfulness
The Brain
Being Mindful 1
Being Mindful 2
Gratitude and Kindness

Successful people have learned to control their emotions? True or False 

True! Successful people are able to get along with others and know how to start over again when they fail. Successful people fail all the time, but they are resilient and get back up again. They do not let their emotions get the best of them. 


When we get angry, what part of our bodies have a hard time working?

The brain 


With Mindfulness a person can use all 5 of their senses to be in the moment and stay calm. True or False

True. Tuning into your senses can help you ignore worries and negative thoughts!


True or False. Mindfulness is being aware of the things you can and cannot control.

True. This really helps to solve problems. There is no use dwelling over things that you have no control over. 


Mindfulness requires us to be thankful for the things we have. True or False

True! If we are not thankful for what we have we then carry a negative energy within our bodies.


Self regulation is being able to control your 

Emotions. It's knowing yourself and what makes you mad and having ways to calm down. 


What is the part of your brain responsible for managing emotions and problem solving?

When we get angry our frontal lobes have a hard time working properly.


What senses are you tuning into here?

Touch and sight. I know when I start worrying about stuff, just focusing on petting my dog can help me to be in the moment and forget about the worry. 


Mindfulness requires us to observe our surroundings and be fully present. What might you observe here with your 5 senses?

Sight- Fans, the game

Sounds- Fans cheering, the loudspeaker, music 

Tastes- Hot dogs of course! lol maybe roasted peanuts

Touch-Siting in your seat

Smells- peanuts, hotdogs 


Which phrase is practicing gratitude. 

"I wish we had a big house with a pool. Our house is too small."

"Our house is so cozy, I am thankful to have a safe home and a family I love"

"Our house is so cozy, I am thankful to have a safe home and a family I love"

This creates positive feelings in your mind. How might your parents or care givers feel if you always complained about your home?


Using mindfulness strategies can help you feel peace and calm. True or False 

True. Deep breathing and focusing on the positive can help you take negative energy away. 


Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing can slow down our thinking and help our frontal lobes to work properly. True or False 

Stop, breathe and think! If we acted as quickly as our anger came on, we are not going to make smart choices. 


What senses are you tuning into here?

smell! smells can be so comforting and take our worries away. What smells make you relaxed?


Mindfulness requires us to observe our surroundings and be fully present. What might you observe here with your 5 senses?

Sight- the movie, other people

Sound- the movie, people talking

Taste- Popcorn!

Touch- Your seat and the feel of your cozy sweater 

Smell- Popcorn!


Being kind to others creates (blank)

energy in our brains. 

Positive! We feel good when we help others. Research shows that your brain produces more happy chemicals such as seratonin when you are kind to others! 


Mindfulness requires thinking. What part of your body thinks for you?


Name something you do to help calm down when you are angry. 

ask for time away, going for a walk, find an adult, talk it out, be left alone, breathing, music, animals, smelling a certain scent, weighted blankets, stress ball 


True or False and name one place you can practice mindfulness yourself. 

Mindfulness can be practiced anywhere. If you start to worry, try focusing on exactly what you are doing, take deep breaths and clear your mind. Be in the present moment.

True anywhere! You can even be mindful when eating your food. Focus on the flavor of the food, the colors the smells and enjoy the moment fully!


How can you show that you are being mindful and truly present during lessons?

Having video on, being in front of video showing your face, asking questions, listening to the lesson 


What if you saw something like this happening in your class? What could you do to show kindness?

Ask him if he is ok, ask him if he wants to eat lunch with you, tell an adult what is happening


When you are not worried or stressed you are at... 

hint it begins with a P 



Tell about a time during your day that you know you may get upset and what you can do avoid it or deal with it. For example, if a student on your bus ride home is loud you can bring headphones, sit as far away as possible, talk to the bus driver, try and ignore and use your sense of sight to focus on the beautiful things outside the window. 

Planning ahead can help you manage your emotions so that you are ready. 


How can you practice this. What does Active listening look like?


Look and face the person 

Repeat back what you heard 


Pick one of your senses to focus on as you get a cavity drilled in the dentist. There is a beautiful picture within your view and soft music playing . 

Instead of focusing on the touch and the noise of the drill you can bring calm to the situation by focusing on the soft music, the beautiful picture or creating your own mental picture and think of what you are looking forward to doing once you leave the dentist. 


What have you learned about Mindfulness so far?

Mindfulness strategies like beep breathing, positive thinking, focusing on our 5 senses to avoid worries, being in the moment and practicing kindness and gratitude all help us to calm down, destress and improve our ability to self regulate. 

Self regulation = SUCCESS