What does mindful Salah mean?
To be fully present with Allah during prayer and connect with Him without getting distracted. Having khushoo.
How do we get better at being mindful and having more focus?
Practice, practice, practice. It's a skill that requires you to practice daily.
All of these are traits of what?
-listen from the heart
- listen without judgment
- listen to understand/learn
- listen to serve
Mindful listening ( how the prophet SAAWS taught us to listen as well)
True or False:
Duaa starts without a vision
You first need to envision what you want, then make a dua for it.
What are some ways Ramadan helps us?
-Control our Nafs and desires
-Makes us more mindful of our thoughts, actions and behaviors.
-Teaches us discipline
-Physical health and benefits
Double points
_________ is the ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed.
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What ayah talks about gratitude and what does it mean?
wa in shakartum lazidannakum.
-If you are grateful, I will increase you
What happens when we label a situation that occurred to us or label someone else?
You limit yourself from seeing anything other than your label. The person or situation can be there to teach you something or help you, and now you've placed a judgment on it and shut down any growth or learning.
What is the main part you have to do after making dua?
-Take actionable steps towards it (Sa3y)
A bully wants a _____ out of the person they are bullying.
True or False?
We can create new behaviors and habits through neural pathways in our brains with only minimal repetition.
The wiring together of brain cells makes the new behavior feel routine over time. It requires about 10,000 repetitions- about three months of practice- to develop a new neural pathway and master a new pattern of behavior. This time frame fluctuates as each brain is unique.
Double Points
True or False:
Someone can be feeling grateful at the moment and also angry/resentful/bitter?
Double Points
When you truly are feeling grateful, other negative emotions can exist at the exact moment inside you!
Name at least 4 major sins in Islam that have become normalized in our day-to-day interactions.
Double Points
Double points
-Labeling people instead of their behaviors
True or False.
Making Duaa in Arabic and in a specific way is mandatory.
You can make Duaa in any language and in any context as long as you connect with Allah while saying it.
How do you stop a verbal bully (not physical)?
-not reacting and staying calm
-throwing them off by being kind instead and even cracking a joke to take away their power
Double Points
What happens when we continue to pray without being mindful of Allah during salah?
Double Points
We wire our brains for salah being routine and "have to" and not connection, therefore further disconnecting us from Allah.
What is one thing we discussed in class that we are required to do so that we work on becoming our best selves every day? This is to ensure we are aligned with our deen.
Hint: Saydna Umar has a famous quote about this.
-We all should do it daily before our day ends
Hold ourselves accountable for our actions and behaviors for the day.
-Ask yourself daily what could I have done better today that I can do tomorrow
We aren't perfect, and we all make mistakes. The important thing is to have the awareness to recognize it. Thinking you are free of anything is arrogance.
Double Points
What is one significant trait that Allah mentions in the Quran that you must possess to enter Jannah?
Have a sound and pure heart (Illa mann atta Allah bekalbin saleem)
Those who come to Allah with a sound and pure heart. Free of any anger, resentment, judgment, hate, hypocrisy, etc.
Double Points
Having an_________to the exact way you envisioned your duaa is what causes your answer to be delayed.
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You must trust that what's best for you, and what's meant for you will come to you and will never miss you. Trust Allah's plan and timing!
What are some ways to lose blessings in life?
-Never being grateful
-harming others or even animals
-oppressing others or even yourself!
Name several ways you can have a mindful salah.
-Set an intention and ask Allah for guidance
-Practice, practice, practice to get better at it
-Envision places that bring you peace or connect you more to Allah
-Close your eyes to keep out any distractions
-Read new surah that requires you to focus on its meaning
-Be calm and at peace when praying- sensing it in heart -(cant even run to pray when trying to catch jama3a)
what negative trait actually shrinks your brain?
What actions must you take if you have wronged someone?
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Double Points
1-If possible, fix it with the person (depending on the situation)
2- Do sincere tawbah and istighfar and ask Allah's forgiveness AFTER you rectify your action with the person.
3-If you don't have access to the person then you must do at least good deeds of equal value to 10 other people.
What must you have in order for your Duaa to happen?
Double Points
Trust and good opinion of Allah (Husn El Thun Billah) that your Duaa will be answered in the best way for you.
Double Points
Double Points
Allah has created us as inheritors of the Earth (Khalifah), which means our purpose is to do what?
- Immar Al Ard-Cultivate the land
make Earth a better place by serving and helping others in our own unique way.