States of Mind

What does mindfulness mean to you?

#1 on Mindfulness Review

Give personal explanation of mindfulness and how it's helpful.

**Double Points** Everyone on your team shares.


What does compassion mean to you?

Give personal examples of what it means to give and receive compassion.

**Double Points** Everyone on your team shares.


Why is it important to do things one-mindfully?

#10 on Mindfulness Review

It keeps us present in the moment, doing one thing at a time, letting go of distractions, and concentrating our mind.


How do you know you’re in emotion mind?

 Getting caught up in judgments, emotions, and thoughts.


Why is it important to be non-judgmental?

#8 on Mindfulness Review

It helps us to realize that our judgments aren't facts and helps us to respond from a wise mind place.


How do you practice mindfulness? Name 3-5 ways you practice this skill.

#3 on Mindfulness Review

Give examples of how you have practiced mindfulness.

**Double Points** Everyone on your team gives at least 3 personal examples of mindfulness.


Give an example of a self-compassionate statement.

#14 on Mindfulness Review

Give personal examples of self-compassion statements.

**Double Points** Everyone on your team gives an example.


What does “participate” mean of the what skills?

Throw yourself completely into activities in the current moment, become one with whatever you're doing, act from wise mind, and go with the flow.


How do you know you’re in wise mind?

#5 on Mindfulness Review

Bridging facts with emotions to choose how you want to respond.

**Double Points** Everyone on your team gives a personal example of how they know they are in wise mind.


What is the risk of getting caught in judgments and assumptions?

#8 on Mindfulness Review

If we believe our judgments as facts, emotions can get triggered, and we react based on what we think is happening instead of responding to what is actually happening.


What does automatic pilot mean and give an example.

It means falling into mindlessness or zoning out.

Can be a personal situation or one from the manual.


Why is self-compassion important in recovery?

#13 on Mindfulness Review

Compassion is vital to our well-being as it helps us to deal with painful emotions, difficult or traumatic life events, and genuinely work out what is effective for us both in the short-term and long-term.


What does it mean to be “effective” and how is this part of wise mind?

#9 on Mindfulness Review

Focusing on what's going to help us reach our long-term goals. Focus on what works and letting go of willfulness. Wise mind helps us to be effective as we take into account the facts and emotions.


What are some ways to move from emotion mind or reasonable mind to wise mind?

#11 on Mindfulness Review

Take a mindful pause or use the STOP skill to recognize the current state of mind. Bridge emotion and reasonable mind by identifying the facts of the situation and what your thoughts, judgments, and emotions are.


Make a judgmental statement and change it to a nonjudgmental statement.

Do as asked :)

**Double Points** Everyone on your team does this.


What is BEAUJETS and what does it stand for?

#2 on Mindfulness Review

What we are mindful of when practicing mindfulness.

Body Sensations, Emotions, Actions, Urges, Judgments, Environment, Thoughts, Self-Compassion.


Give an example of a self-compassion myth and challenge.

Can share a personal myth and challenge or one from the manual.


Why is it important to practice observe and describe separately?

#7 on Mindfulness Review

It helps to create space between what is observed and how we then describe it. Describing can help with processing what we just observed, it's not mindful or effective to do simultaneously.


What is one thing you can observe and one thing you cannot observe? 

How can this information be helpful when trying to be in wise mind?

Can observe what we notice through our senses. Cannot observe others emotions, thoughts, judgments, perceptions, level of internal effort.

Can be helpful to not get stuck in judgments.


What does "don't judge your judging" mean?

It means to try to let go of judgments about myself if I'm having judgments about others or situations.


What are the 5 parts of the mindfulness model and what is its purpose?

Triggering Event, Thoughts, Emotions, Urges, Actions

We want to create more space between each one to help us respond to a situation effectively and not react in emotion.


What is the 2-part definition of compassion and what is self-compassion?

#12 on Mindfulness Review

"A sensitivity to the suffering of self and others with a commitment to relieve and prevent it."

It helps us recognize that feeling pain or distress, while difficult, is a normal part of the human experience, is not a failing on our part, and we are not alone.


What are the 3 what skills and the 3 how skills? What is the purpose of each?

#6 on Mindfulness Review

Observe=wordless watching Describe=nonjudgmentally
Participate=100% in the moment
Nonjudgmentally=just the facts
One-Mindfully=1 thing at a time
Effectively=long-term over short-term


What are the 3 states of mind and how do you know what state of mind you are in?

#4 on Mindfulness Review

Reasonable Mind=logic and fact focused
Emotion Mind=emotion, judgment, thought focused
Wise Mind=bridging facts with emotions to respond wisely


True or False: Judgments can be facts.

False, judgments are still judgments even when we gain information that confirms our judgment is factual.