Mindful Eating
Self Care
Sleep Hygiene

A to be mindful during the holidays

What is staying in the present moment, not worrying about the past or future?


This is the best way to practice mindful eating during the holidays. 

🎃What is eating when we are calm, sitting down, not being distracted, hungry, and able to focus on the moment of enjoying our food?


A positive habit we can practice to show self love during the holidays.

What is self-care activities: listening to music, taking a walk, using positive self talk, calling a friend, reading, playing with a pet, spending time with a loved one, cooking, gardening, watching a funny movie, journaling, writing a letter, engaging in something creative, spending time in nature, engaging in a hobby, taking a warm shower or bath, exercising, etc. ?


This is the amount of people in the U.S. who report trouble sleeping.

What is 70% of Americans?   11% report insufficient sleep every night 


Healthy level of time dedicated to personal life and work life.

What is a healthy work-life balance?


A mindfulness strategy to reset our mind when stressed

What is counting to 10 before responding and/or deep breathing


A way to slow down when trying to eat mindfully.

What is taking deep breaths before eating a meal?

What is putting your utensil down before bites?

What is turning off your phone during meals? Some people find it helpful to try eating with their non-dominant hand to slow down further. Other examples are permitted that follow the above criteria. 


Name one benefit to self care during the Holidays.

What is improving self-compassion, lowering stress, lowering chronic pain, improving focus and problem solving abilities, avoiding weight gain, and improving mindful eating?


These are environmental changes that can improve sleep.

What is keeping the temperature cool, the room dark, having a comfortable bed, and eliminating noise?



The limits and rules we set for ourselves within a relationship is called__________.

What is personal boundaries? Examples include when a person can say "no" to others when they want to.


An example of a strategy to help "ground ourselves." 

What is the 54321 technique of focusing on our senses? (5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can taste, and 1 thing you can smell that are all pleasant)


Another way to eat mindfully.

What is focusing on using all 5 of your senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) to help us enjoy our food and eat until satisfied, rather than overeating or rushing?


A network of positive people who provide encouragement and support at the Holidays and all year long?

What are family, friends, and a positive support system?


This is a practice that can help promote good sleep and calm the mind. 

What is meditation? 


This is an adaptive style of communication in which individuals express their feelings and needs directly, while maintaining respect for others.

 A lack of of __________may contribute to depression and anxiety, during the holidays. 

What is assertiveness?


This is an example of a mindful sound you heard during the presentation or in your room

What is your own breathing, voice of the speaker, the air conditioning or the meditation bell at the start of the presentation?


The benefits to mindful eating during the holidays.

We enjoy our food, we eat until satisfied, rather than rushing, which can result in stomach aches, acid reflux, indigestion, and unnecessary weight gain. 


This is the practice of being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen in our life and taking time to appreciate them rather than focusing on the negativity in one's life. 

What is practicing gratitude?


Staying active during the day and avoiding long ___________ can help us sleep better at night (*except if you're sick)

What is naps? 


These are the benefits of setting healthy boundaries at the holidays and during the entire year? 

What is feeling better and having less stress overall. 

Other examples: being more self-aware, becoming a better friend and partner, taking better care of yourself, feeling less stressed, being a better communicator, trusting people more, feeling less angry, having time for the things you actually want to do, and having time for the people you want to spend time with


This is how someone can practice a "Teflon mind," during the Holidays. 

What is allowing thoughts to come into the mind, notice, observe them, and exit the mind if they are not positive or helpful?


The name of a scale used to help us determine when we are truly hungry versus when we are eating when we are emotional, bored, or out of social pressure. 

What is the "Hunger Scale?" 


This offers one of the most reliable boosts to your mental and physical well-being at no-cost that is a respite from the hustle and bustle of the Holidays?

What is down time? 

Examples include going to spend time in nature or any green space where you can have some quiet, time to reflect and time to recharge, meditate, enjoy a picnic, or exercise


Caffeine, cigarettes, and decongestants also called ___________ are not recommended before going to bed.

What is avoiding stimulants? 


Verbal abuse, physical abuse, controlling behavior, threats, blame, or shame are examples of _______________.

What is crossing boundaries?