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Coping Skills
Besides Chrissy, this person has been in OE the longest 

What is... Ashlyn 


True or False: Coping skills is something you have to learn



True or False: OE is the first person the client talks to 

What is...True 


If a person rates a 2 (rarely) on having thoughts of Suicide, you can skip the C-SSRS-Triage because it wasn't high enough for concern. 

What is... false 

If someone rates anything but never you must completed the C-SSRS-Triage with them. 


What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

What is... A stamp 


Which two people in OE currently live in Maryland 

What is... Taylor and Chrissy


Name one stressor in your life and a positive way you can cope with that stressor. 

....      GOOD JOB! :) 


What does the purple highlight on referral tracking mean? 

What is... The PCP needs to or has been notified. 


What are some examples of doing things to prepare to end your life?

What is... Collecting pills, obtaining a gun, giving away valuables, writing a will or suicide note, taking out pills but don't swallow any, held a gun but changed your mind or it was grabbed from your hand, went to the roof but didn’t jump; or actually took pills, tried to shoot yourself, cut yourself, tried to hang yourself, etc...


What gets wetter the more it dries?

What is... a towel


What three languages does Jessi speak?

What is... english, spanish and french


Why are coping skills important, especially in the role of OE? 

What is...Coping skills help you tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful situations in life. Managing your stress well can help you feel better physically and psychologically and it can impact your ability to perform your best.


If someone has medicare as there primary insurance and medicaid as their supplementary, they are free for the program because medicare covers 80% and medicaid covers the rest. 

What is... FALSE. 

Medicare does cover 80% but medicaid does not cover services, therefore the client would be responsible for 20% (40-60 dollars once a month). 


Why is it important to create a safety plan with someone having SI?

What is... will remind patient of reasons to live and connect you with the people and services who can help during the tough times, giving you some perspective when you’re feeling low.


What has a tongue but can not talk?

What is... a shoe 


Where is Cierra from? 

What is... Michigan 


Name three negative coping skills.

What is... Self-harm, substance abuse, withdraw/isolation, fighting, bottling feelings up, and many more


If a patient asks you what the background of a BHCM is what do we tell them?

What is...They have masters of things that are standard in the mental health field like clinical social work, counseling psychology, etc. They all have extensive BH training and background as well. They in general have the same qualifications as your standard therapist or counselor. 


DAILY DOUBLE: If someone has SI and they say they have weapons in the home, what question is it important to ask and why?

What is... Do you have someone who can obtain those weapons if necessary? 

You will want to ask this because someone with SI could have a plan and use the weapon to harm themselves. You will want to know that someone else in the house, has access to the weapon in case the person has plan and wants to use it.


What has a face, but can't smile?

What is... a clock 


True or False: One of Michelles favorite movies is Mean Girls 

What is... True


Name three positive coping skills. 

What is... exercise, art activities, talking to a friend, participating in leisure, and many more!


What are the 3 "Rules of 3" for rejecting a patient? 

What is...Patient has missed 3 intakes, patient missed intake and has not answered 3 continuous reschedule calls and patient has not answered 3 consecutive calls after call 7


What 2 numbers do we send to the patient if they have active SI?

What is... 

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Crisis line: 211 (Option 1 to speak with crisis counselor)


What has 88 keys but can't open a single door?

What is... a piano