This Mob lays eggs
How do flying machines work?
The piston pushes, and the sticky piston pulls.
How many blocks can a player long jump?
4 blocks.
Who are the main entities in Minecraft?
Steve & Alex
What is the most valuable ore in Minecraft?
This mob drops meat, but drops nothing else when alive.
What can't the piston push? Choose 2 blocks.
Obsidian, reinforced deepslate
How fast can an advanced player run?
6 blocks per second
Who was the most powerful villain in Minecraft?
What is the rarest ore in Minecraft?
What mobs are three blocks tall? Guess the three correct mobs.
Creaking, Iron Golem, Warden.
How high do elytra launchers launch you?
Above the build limit.
What is the best way to get infinite iron?
Get 2 villagers, and build an iron generator.
Who is the red creeper-player
What ore only exists in The Nether?
This mob is unbeatable.
What resources does it take to build a TNT cannon?
2 TNT & fint & steel
How do you get infinite diamonds?
Build tunnel bores
Who defeated the wither storm?
What block can remove other blocks and create a perfect box pit?
Structure block
This mob can get immune to arrows.
Ender Dragon
Dare Double!!!
Bet on how many points you want to bet
Redstone Computer
Who build the most complex redstone mechanism in Minecraft?
Mumbo Jumbo
Who is the best Minecraft redstone player in the world?
What block level is best for gold?
Y-Level: -53