This friendly mob explodes when it gets too close to the player
What is a Creeper?
This material is the most common to mine and is used for crafting tools and armor in early gameplay.
What is Iron Ore?
The maximum number of blocks a player can fall without dying, assuming they don't land in water or slime blocks
What is 3 blocks?
This block can be found in the Nether and is essential for crafting Netherite tools and armor.
What is Ancient Debris?
This block was introduced in the 1.16 Nether Update, and players can use it to create new types of blocks and tools.
What is Netherite?
This passive mob is known for dropping wool when sheared
What is a Sheep?
This glowing block is used for lighting, and is crafted from blaze powder and ender pearls.
What is a Brewing Stand?
This effect makes players run faster and jump higher when applied through certain potions
What is Speed?
This dimension is accessed by finding a portal made of obsidian and activating it with flint and steel.
What is the Nether?
This update introduced the highly anticipated feature of the Nether biome expansion.
What is the Nether Update (1.16)?
This fiery mob attacks players and flies in the Nether.
What is a Ghast?
This block can be placed in a crafting table to create a variety of items, from torches to weapons
What is Stick?
This type of Minecraft world generates randomly and offers endless possibilities for exploration
What is a Survival World?
The End dimension contains this floating structure that houses the final boss.
What is the End Portal?
This was the name of the original survival mode for Minecraft before "Minecraft: Java Edition."
What is Classic Minecraft?
These small creatures often hide in the dark and attack players when they get too close.
What are Skeletons?
This rare block is often found deep underground and can be used to craft the strongest tools and armor in the game.
What is a Diamond?
You can enchant a bow with this enchantment to make arrows explode on impact
What is Power?
What is Flame?
This dangerous biome in the Nether is full of hostile mobs like Blazes and Magma Cubes.
What is a Nether Fortress?
Before the official release of Minecraft, the game was developed by this creator.
Who is Markus "Notch" Persson?
This boss mob has multiple phases and requires the player to defeat several smaller mobs to access it.
What is the Ender Dragon?
A block that can be used to make powerful potions or brewed to create a splash effect, often used for combat.
What is Gunpowder?
To make a Nether Portal, you need this block in a rectangular formation
What is Obsidian?
This End dimension island is home to a unique mob that drops a powerful item when defeated
What is the End City (and the Shulker)?
This large-scale update added the world of "The End" and the Ender Dragon, as well as the endgame goal.
What is the Adventure Update (1.0)?