This person was the first player to log into the world of Freedonia.
Who is RuneChan?
This dangerous city features a dense number of monster spawners and a large amount of lore inspired by Resident Evil.
What is Delta City?
This now infamous player has helped build many towns on the server, their first being right outside Forrrest.
This admin is famous for saying the simple word "Yeet."
Who is techkid6?
This settlement was the first player constructed in the new End Dimension.
What is Purgatory
During the lead-up to 1.12.2, the server was corrupted by this virus. It is commonly known as the first large-scale server event.
What is the Endfection?
This large modern city is home to one of Freedonia's most famous museums.
What is Newport?
The designer and technician behind both Newport's and Project MOON's XP-Farms.
Who is AdoreKitten?
This admin was responsible for popularizing the creation of MCO Memes by making an imgur folder full of them.
Who is doublehelix457?
This massive old boom town features a giant stone dragon to the west, a dragon bigger than the actual town.
What is BenjaminStad/TussenStad?
MinecraftOnline Updated to 1.7.10 in this year.
What is 2014?
This floating structure over 0,0 has been destroyed many times because of Ender Dragons in the overworld.
What is the menger sponge?
This YouTuber mostly kept a low profile on the server but went as far as making his own city in the southern regions of Freedonia.
Who is SalC1?
After this active admin's promotion, it would be three long years until more were brought onboard.
Who is Anna_28?
This animated miniseries by ScarClaw72 led up the release of the 5th Christmas Animation.
What is Evergreen?
Canary Classic, an old major software platform for MCO was built off of this alpha server mod.
What is hMod?
This major settlement features an arena that hosted capture the flag during the server's 10th anniversary.
What is New Eden?
This player has been banned legitamately more times than any other player, a total of five times.
Who is Dethsh0k?
This moderator is the youngest sibling of two Admins that both founded Winterthorn.
Who is Chewy27?
The Anniversary Cake on the server was primarily built by ScarClaw72 and this retired moderator.
Who is Bowbyslag?
This server invasion was responsible for the most players ever being banned in a single day to date, over 250.
What is the 7-Chan raid?
Without touching the ground, this city built by a now banned infamous player was centered on a giant castle with walls of lava.
What is Freerdonia?
This player created the most infamous mapart of a furry character on the server, a mapart that has since been deleted.
Whois Markrafter9?
This retired admin invented a cake eating minigame named after themselves that was usually held in a giant arena shaped like a flower.
Who is FlyingJellyfish?
There is a server nexus themed around every major color except:
What is nexus black?