Minerals (general)
Food Sources
Diet, Disease, Deficiency
Storage and Transport

The electrolytes defined 

What is a substance that becomes either positively or negatively charged when it is dissolved in water: electrolytes are charged ions which are classified as cations or anions


The roles of sodium

What is principal cation of extracellular fluid, primary regulator of volume, acid–base balance, nerve impulse transmission, and muscle contraction.

(Sodium travels freely in the blood, Kidneys filter out and return what is needed)


The adequate intake (AI) for water 

What is 8 to 12 cups a day ?


The benefits of chromium rich foods 

What is helps maintain glucose homeostasis from participation in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism?

(A diabetes-like condition may result if chromium is lacking)


The form of stored Iron

What is iron storage protein Ferritin?


Trace minerals definition

What is essential mineral nutrients the human body requires in relatively small amounts (mg and mcg per day)


The roles of Zinc

What is supports the work of hundreds of proteins, stabilizes cell membranes and DNA, immune function, growth and development, synthesis, storage, and release of insulin. Blood clotting, thyroid hormone function, behavior and learning performance ?


The Chromium rich foods

What is unrefined foods: liver, brewer’s yeast, whole grains, *supplements?


The results Iron deficiency 

What is behavioral symptoms, energy metabolism is impaired, neurotransmitter synthesis is altered, reduces work capacity and mental productivity, motivational problems, pica: craving and consumption of nonfood substances ?


The location of zinc transport

What is transport in the blood?


The 7 Major Minerals 

What is sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfate ?

(I made this pneumonic for you: Susan Can Play Cello, Piano, Mandolin, and Sing.)


The functions/roles of magnesium

What is Maintains bone health, Necessary for energy metabolism, Catalyst in ATP production, Inhibits muscle contraction and blood clotting, Supports normal function of immune system ?


The prevention of disease with Calcium

What is preventing hypertension, blood cholesterol, diabetes, colon cancer, obesity, may help maintain healthy body weight, osteoporosis; reaching peak bone mass means denser bones protect against inevitable age-related bone loss and fractures. (Osteoporosis is “silent” because the body shows no symptoms).


The Iodine deficiency symptoms 

What is body response by releasing TSH to increase iodine uptake, goiter (continued deficiency), cretinism (a severe deficiency in pregnancy causing irreversible physical and mental disablement) ?

*(Thyroid hormone function declines with iodine deficiency)


The Phosphorus mineral helps transport..

What is transports lipids in the blood?


The 9 trace minerals

What are Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Fluoride, Copper, Chromium, Selenium, Manganese, Molybdenum ?

(I have this pneumonic for you: Impure Zombies Ingest Canned Meat For Simple Carefree Meals)


The roles of Potassium

What is the principal intracellular cation, roles in the body, helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, helps maintain cell integrity, aids in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction.


The food sources of Iron

What is meats, fish, poultry, legumes, eggs (natural sources), flour and grain products (enriched sources) ?

Iron cookware

The 2 types: Heme - from animal products AND
Nonheme - from plant products


The 7 symptoms of potassium deficiency

What is Increase in blood pressure, Salt sensitivity, Kidney stones, Bone turnover, Irregular heartbeat, Muscle weakness, and Glucose intolerance ?


The Iron transport protein 

What is transferrin ?