
What term describes how light is reflected from a mineral's surface?



When the grains in a rock are small, and often only visible with a microscope, the rock is described as _____________________.

fine grained


this is a general term for small particles of rock or remains of living things that make up sedimentary rocks



Out of the following, which is an igneous rock? A. sandstone B. granite C. Slate D. Marble

B. Granite (your favorite)


a term for metamorphic rocks that have grains arranged in parallell layers or bands



What mineral has a hardness of 1? is this mineral very hard?

talc; no, 1 is the lowest number on Mohs Hardness scale


How does cooling time compare between extrusive and intrusive rocks?

intrusive rocks cool slowly, deeper beneath the Earth's surface to create larger crystals in rocks; extrusive rocks cool rapidly on the earth's surface to produce finer grains or glassy texture


Mineral Q: name that term: the splitting of a mineral along flat surfaces is what property?



How do extrusive and intrusive rocks compare?

They are both igneous rocks. Extrusive cools quickly on the Earth's surface, having smaller crystals. Intrusive cools more slowly beneath the Earth's surface, having larger crystals.


what are the 2 forces capable of changing any rock onto a metamorphic rock?

heat and pressure


Explain how Geodes form.

A geode is a rounded hollow rock, lined with mineral crystals. the crystals probably form inside when water containing dissolved minerals seeps into a crack or hollow in the rock. slowly, crystallization occurs, lining the inside with large crystals. Crystallization is the process by which atoms are arranged to form a material that has a crystal structure.


the process of breaking up rocks by freezing and thawing, plant roots, acid...



Describe a test could you use to identify sedimentary rocks?

the acid test--drop some diluted hydrochloric acid (HCl) on a rock.  if it fizzes, it is a sedimentary rock.  Calcite in the shells or exoskeletons of oceanic creatures reacts with HCl in a chemical reaction that produces gas.


Do you find Lava or Magma on the Earth's surface?

Lava (Magma is the term for liquid hot igneous rock beneath the Earth's surface)


out of the following rocks, which are metamorphic? A. sandstone B. quartz C. quartzite D. Limestone

C. quartzite


List 4 characteristic properties used to IDENTIFY minerals

color, luster, streak, hardness, density, crystal structure, cleavage & fracture, special properties


define--coarse-grained and give an example of a rock that is coarse-grained

slow cooling of magma far beneath Earth's surface creates larger crystals in rocks.  ex: granite, diorite


List the 5 steps of Sedimentary Rock formation in order

Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Compaction, Cementation


List 2 ways people use igneous rocks

ancient Egyptians--statues (granite); Incas of Peru (Ollantaytambo)--Fortresses (granite & igneous rock); bridges & public buildings (granite); granite used for curbstones & floors; igneous rock & basalt can be used for cobblestones, landscaping, and roads; obsidian to make sharp tools for cutting and scraping (Native Americans)


how is marble formed?

limestone is subjected to heat and pressure deep beneath the Earth's surface


List 4 of the 5 requirements for a substance to be classified as a mineral

Naturally occurring, solid, crystal structure, forms by inorganic processes, definite chemical composition


How are gneiss and obsidian similar and different?

similar: both are rocks ; both are very hard; both were created with heat

different: obsidian is igneous rock which forms quickly as lava cools on the Earth's surface; gneiss is transformed from granite under great pressure and heat. Obsidian is dark and glassy while gneiss is banded and fine-grained


Name a Sedimentary rock, one usage, and what characteristics make it appropriate for this usage.

chert--spearheads, flint--arrowheads,hard rock, can be shaped to a point; sandstone/ limestone--building material, soft enough to be cut into blocks/ slabs; sandstone--White House, Washington, DC; limestone--cement & steel, industrial uses


Where do metamorphic rocks usually form?

IN mountains or near large masses of igneous rock. THis is because they form under pressure and hot conditions. Mountains are formed when plates push together, conditions of great pressure. Being near a pocket of magma provides heat for metamorphosis. Metamorphic rocks are rarely found on the Earth's surface because this location does not provide the pressure or heat necessary to transform rocks into metamorphic rock.


Name a Metamorphic rock, one usage, and what characteristics make it appropriate for this usage.

Marble--statues & buildings (tower of Pisa), even grained, easy to cut into thin slabs or carved into shapes, easy to polish Slate--foliated, roofing, outdoor walkways, trim for stone buildings, splits easily into flat pieces