Sedimentary Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Advanced questions
Is water a mineral, why or why not?
No, because the definition of a mineral includes being a solid, not a liquid.
This sedimentary rock is composed of particles that are 0.1 cm and are made of quartz and feldspar crystals.
The igneous rock pumice has this type of texture and this type of composition. Pumice has a density less than water, so what would happen if you placed it in water?
Glassy texture and felsic composition. It would float.
Name a sedimentary rock that has fossils in it and what would happen to those fossils if they were exposed to the same conditions that igneous rocks are exposed to.
Limestone. They would not be around at all. Heat would destroy them.
Intrusive igneous rocks form from lava or magma. Explain.
Intrusive rocks form from magma because magma is within the Earth's crust. Lava is extrusive.
This is the name of the process in which a person takes a mineral and determines its resistance to being scratched.
Sedimentary rocks are classified based on grain size. List the 5 major sedimentary rocks from smallest to largest.
Shale, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, breccia
Felsic igneous rocks have a lot of quartz in them. Name an intrusive igneous rock that has a lot of quartz in it.
Granite, Pegmatite
Is it possible to have an extrusive igneous rock with visible crystals. If so, name one of those igneous rocks with a description of its crystal size.
Answers vary.
What are the Earth's layers in order from closest to surface to the center of the Earth? What happens to the pressure, density and temperature as you dig down into the Earth?
Crust, Mantle, Outer core, Inner core. All of the parameters increase with depth.
This is the only mineral on your chart that will scratch the mineral composed primarily of SiO2.
A student finds a rock with angular fragments at the base of a river bed surrounded by rounder rock fragments. Explain why this doesn't make sense or how this could have happened?
Answers vary
This igneous rock is composed entirely of olivine. What is the name of the igneous rock and what is olivine's mineral formula and did it form in the ground or above the ground?
Dunite, (Fe,Mg)2Si04 and formed intrusively
Name the term that means "gas pockets" and explain how they form in igneous rocks.
Vesicular. Air gets trapped within the bubbles and cools.
List the planets in order starting from the sun.
Mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
There are two minerals that can be pealed easily into thin pieces. Name the darker one and if it can be found in felsic, intermediate, or mafic igneous rocks.
Biotite mica, can be found in all three.
Draw a picture or explain how the minerals gypsum or halite form.
Saturated water floods in, evaporates and deposits minerals, repeats.
Based on the igneous rock scorias crystal size/texture, would you say it cooled fast or slow? Give a reason.
Scoria's crystal size is extremely small, therefore it cooled extremely fast.
Explain how it's possible to have sandstone, siltstone, and shale within the same sedimentary rock.
Conglomerate or breccia formation.
Obsidian is a black igneous rock. Is it felsic or mafic, and what does the texture say about how fast or slow it cooled? Did it form from lava or magma?
It is felsic, and it cooled incredibly quickly cause the crystal size is very small if not there at all. It has a glassy texture. Formed from lava.
Explain why pyroxene can be considered an intermediate and a mafic mineral using specific elements in your response.
Could be intermediate because it has Aluminum and Silicon in it. Could be mafic because it has Iron and Magnesium in it.
This rock is composed of the mineral calcite. What rock is it, and if you didn't have acid, how could you tell the difference between calcite and quartz.
Limestone, and calcite is much softer.
Give an example of an igneous rock that is both intrusive and extrusive. What is the name of that rock, the major mineral in it, and if it is mafic or felsic.
Dunite, pyroxene, mafic
Explain why the following statement is incorrect: Sedimentary minerals are completely different than igneous minerals; that is to say, there are no igneous minerals within sedimentary rocks.
Answers vary
True or false. Pegmatite is an intrusive, felsic, low density, vesicular igneous rock.
False. It is intrusive, felsic, low density, but not vesicular.