Customer Service
Professional Writing

This plays a major role in creating a positive experience for the customer.

What is tone?


You want to use these while emailing customers to try letting the customer know you are there to help by answering their questions.

What are positive words?


You want to have this while talking to a customer so they feel like they are talking to a well-informed representative.

What is confidence?


You avoid this by keeping the customer updated with the steps you are taking or by making small talk.

What is dead air?


You should do this before sending each email to ensure there are not any grammar or spelling errors.

What is proofread?


You use this verbiage when a customer asks where you are working from.

What is "I am based in (Your State - do not include city)."

Ex: I am based in Texas.


If you don't have an answer for the customer, where can you reach out for help from a RES PRO?



Name the tool you can download and use to help with spelling & grammar.

What is Grammarly?


We should avoid this phrase when speaking to a customer regarding a legal issue and/or injured, deceased, lost, or stolen dogs.

What is "I am sorry."


You ask these when needing more information from the customer in order to better assist them.

What are probing questions?


Name the items a professional email should include.

What is: subject line, greeting, body, sign-off, & signature


Give one empathy & taking ownership statement from the Generic Empathy & Taking Ownership Statements Padlet Resource.

Answers will vary. 


When delivering bad news, you want to deliver the news with a ____ & ____ tone.

What is calm & firm?


You can use these in emails to bring more structure to your writing and break up wordy sections.

What are bullet points?


You use this verbiage if a customer asks specifics on the location within your state that you are working from.

What is, "I wish I could say, but it violates company policy to relay this information, but we do have team members in multiple states."