Working hard and making these type of grades are important if you want to become a doctor.
A's (good grades) maybe a couple of B's
What type of doctor is a Pediatrician
"Kid doctor"
What causes a cold
They help patients heal. Attend to the patient's health needs daily. Some other responsibilities include giving the patients medications ordered by the doctor and communicating nursing needs with the doctor.
how many chambers of the heart do we have
What type of test do you have to take in High School to prepare for College
The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and ACT (American College Testing)
What type of doctor is an Allergist
Allergy doctor
Flu is short for?
The group of workers that provide therapy to patients to get physically stronger during a hospitalization
Physical therapy
How many lobes of the lung do we have
————Management is needed for success in college and medical school
What type of doctor is a Cardiologist
"Heart doctor"
A stroke involves what organ
The brain
Helps with hospital paperwork. Answers phones and makes appointments
Healthcare Secretary
Largest organ in the body
It typically takes this many years to complete medical school.
4 years
What type of doctor is a Surgeon
Works directly inside the body with tool to repair an injury
The organ involved in a "M.I"
Typically will take the patient to the room, take vitals and ask the first couple of questions of your doctor's visit
MA- medical assistant
How many kidneys do we have?
Name of training after medical school
Residency training
What kind of doctor am I ?
Geriatrician-a physician that works either older adults. Specifically memory loss, movement disorders, substance abuse, etc
This group of medications treat bacterial infections
Will see people with injuries to the mouth
How many bones in the body