When Earth spins on its axis, that is known as
The Earth’s rotation on its axis causes
Day and night
Our sun is a medium size, medium age, medium brightness star.
The Earth ________ around the Sun
The Sun appears larger and brighter than other stars because __________.
It is closer to the Earth than other stars
Of these objects, which ones produce light (are luminescent)?
planets, stars, asteroids, the moon
True or False
Comets orbit the sun.
It looks like the sun is moving across the sky, but really the earth is just ____________.
Rotating on it's axis (spinning)
Dwarf Planets can't be called planets because _______________.
They haven't cleared their orbital path of rocks and debris.
True or False:
Our sun is the biggest, brightest star in the universe
Most stars in the sky look small and sparkly to us because _____________________.
they are so far away
What season is it in Ohio when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun?
What season is it in Ohio when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward from the sun?
When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?
How many degrees is the earth tilted?
When it is daytime in Ohio, where is it nighttime?
On the other side of the Earth.
How long does it take the earth to make one revolution around the sun?
One year (365 days)
How long does it take the Earth to make one full rotation on its axis?
24 hours (one day)
How many times does the tilt of the earth change in one year?
Zero! It just moves to the other side of the sun.