Introduction to FTA Grants
Regulatory Structure
FTA Funding Programs
Key Terms

This is what FTA stands for

What is the Federal Transit Administration?


Laws and regulations that are the basis for FTA funding assistance that are enacted by Congress and codified in the United States Code (USC)

What are Federal Statutes?


Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities

What is Section 5310?


To be declared ineligible, on the basis of statutory or other regulatory procedures, and are excluded from receiving contracts, and if applicable, subcontracts from the federal government

What is Debarred or Suspended?


Used to create a "level playing field" for businesses owned by minorities and women

What is Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)?


In New Jersey, this agency is the recipient of FTA funding



Issued by agencies like FTA that are designed to interpret the statues and detail implementation and enforcement

What are Federal Regulations?


Formula Grant for Rural Areas

What is Section 5311?


Making any communication to or appearance before an officer or employee or any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection any covered federal action

What is Lobbying?


Ensuring that steel, iron, and manufactured products used in FTA funded projects are produced in the United States

What is Buy America?


The acronym for Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act

What is MAP-21?


The document that lays out the terms and conditions applicable to all grant recipients

What is the FTA Master Agreement?


Urbanized Area Formula Program

What is Section 5307?


An entity that receives FTA funds via a pass-through agreement with a direct recipient or designated recipient, whereby the original recipient remains responsible for compliance with all terms, conditions and requirements associated with the grant.

What is a Subrecipient?


An order authorized by the recipient directing the contractor to make changes, pursuant to contract provisions for such changes, with or without the consent of the contractor

What is a Change Order?


What is the term for regular, continuing shared-ride surface transportation services that are open to the general public or open to a segment of the general public defined by age, disability or low income?

What is Public Transportation (also called transit, public transit, or mass transit)?


States must develop and submit this to the FTA for Sections 5310 and 5311 to lay out the policies and procedures used to administer the programs and serve as a guide for subrecipients

What is a State Management Plan (SMP)?


Bus and Bus Facilities

What is Section 5339?


The description and dollar amount contained in the budget for an approved grant activity associated within a particular scope approved as part of a grant

What is Activity Line Item (ALI)?


A mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services and the buyer to pay for them

What is a Contract?


The term for an entity (public or private) responsible for administering and managing transit activities and services

What is a Transit Agency/System?


States must submit this to list all subrecipients and identify the projects for which the state is applying for financial assistance

What is a Program of Projects (POP)?


Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

What is CARES?


Method used to calculate the reduction in value of an item of personal or real property over time

What is Depreciation?


A comprehensive evaluation process that assesses the durability, performance, and reliability of transit vehicles?

What is Altoona Testing?