Activity Plan & Child Care-Giver Ratios
Basic Care Requirements
Discipline & Guidance

The number of annual training hours caregivers must obtain. 746.1301 (5A)

What is 24 hours?


Two things the activity plan must include. 746.2205

What is a variety of activities? What is Outdoor play? What is meal and snack times? What is nap time? What is both child and teacher-initiated activities? What is no long waiting times?


The position all infants must be placed to sleep. 746.2427

What is on their backs?


Discipline must be ________ and ___________?

746.2803 (1)

What is individualized and consistent?


Children are not required to sleep during nap time. You may not _______________ or _______________?


What is force to sleep or place in restrictive device?


Where caregivers can report suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation. 746.1201 (5)

What is the Department of Family and Protective Services?


The maximum number of children one caregiver can be responsible for is known as this. 746.1501

What is ratio? What is child/caregiver ratio?

These can be used to identify choking hazards in children under 3 years. 746.2501 (Helpful information)
What is a toilet paper or paper towel tube?

Discipline must be __________ to the child's level of understanding?

746.2803 (2)

What is appropriate?


The maximum amount of time that nap and rest time may last each day. 746.2903

What is 3 hours?


The top three things a licensing inspector will ask a caregiver. 746.1203 (2, 3)

What is how many children do you have, how old is your oldest child, and how old is your youngest child?


What is the maximum number of 3 year old children one caregiver can provide care for? 746.1601

What is 15?


All training cups provided for children must be labeled with this. 746.2505 (4a)

What is the child's first name and last initial?


Discipline must be directed toward teaching the child acceptable _________ and _____________?

746.2803 (3)

What is behavior and self control?


This is an alternative to labeling each cot with a child's name. 746.4503

What is a number/child assignment map?


This must be completed by a caregiver's 90th day of employment. 746.1301 (4Ci)

What is Pediatric CPR and First Aid?


The amount of time activity plans are required to be kept on file. 746.2211

What is three months?


The amount of time after awakening that an infant may stay in their crib, as long as they are content and responsive. 746.2425

What is 30 minutes?


What three methods encourage positive discipline and guidance? 746.2803 (4)

What is self esteem, self control, and self direction?


How long after a child has been resting on their cot, should they be offered an alternative activity? 746.2907

What is one hour?


The three training topics caregivers who provide care for children under 24 months must take each year. 746.1309 (d 1,2,3)

What is SIDS, Shaken Baby, and Understanding Brain Development?


What adjustment to ratio can be made during the first 45 minutes of the day and the last 45 minutes of the day?

What is one caregiver to 16 children, 18 months and older?


For what ages, should containers or low shelving that are accessible to children so they can safely obtain items without adult intervention be required? 746.2505 (3)

What is toddlers, twos, and Pre-K?


When placing a child in a cool down center or separation from the group, how long may the child stay there? 748.2803 (4d)

What is no more than 1 minute per year of the child's age?


What are three things that should be kept in mind when placing cots out for nap time? 746.2909

What is not block entrances/exits, have sufficient walking space, and have adequate supervision of all children?