
A coach (BI) has to cancel a session

Little deal - they will see you on another day


Mom says no to dessert

Little deal - you can have dessert on another day


You are told you're not allowed to clean up at crossfit

Little deal - It's ok to skip cleaning up sometimes. It is important to share with other members of the group.


Someone tells you to turn down the TV

Little deal - turn the TV down to be polite. It's important to share the space we live in with everyone. If you feel upset, use coping skills.


You haven't seen Silvana in a very long time

Little deal - Not seeing Silvana can be sad. But, remember it is only temporarily and it is okay to miss someone. use coping skills.


Mom is busy with work but you want to tell her something

Little deal - you can wait for mom to be done. You can ask for help writing it down so you don't forget.


You slept too late and missed breakfast

Little deal - It's ok, you can eat lunch instead. If you are upset, use coping skills.


One of your caregivers tells you, that there is no more cream cheese for your bagel.

Little deal - It is ok, you can choose a different breakfast item. We can ask caregiver if they can purchase cream cheese for tomorrow.


You have a new coach (BI)

Big deal - New friends are fun but also can make you nervous. Be nice and use coping skills while you get to know your new friend.


Mom is feeling sick

Big deal - use coping skills to stay calm, ask for help from an adult if they are around. Help mom and do what she asks of you.


Someone moves dishes while you are putting them away

Little deal - this doesn't mean I am doing a bad job. I an use my words and ask them to stop.


A caregiver has to take a day off

Little deal - sometimes people have things they need to do or get sick, and its ok. You will have someone else help you that day.


A coach (BI) leaves the case, you won't see them again.

Big deal - This is a big change, but change is part of life. Coaches and other helpers will come and go but I can use coping skills (talk about my feelings, use deep breaths, ask for a hug from mom) and make new friends when old ones leave.


Mom takes away your tablet

little deal - I can make good choices and earn it back


Crossfit is cancelled for today

Little deal - you can go next time. You can exercise at home if you still want to move your body.


A caregiver stops working with me

Big deal - This feels bad but it is a part of life and we need to remember that we will be ok. Caregivers will come and go but we can use coping skills to help us feel better (like talking about our feelings, remembering the good times, taking deep breaths, getting hugs from mom). Also remember that we will make new friends when old ones leave.


Someone tells you to do something you don't like 

Little deal - you can use your words and let her know. You can use coping skills and calm yourself down.


Mom asks you to put on your oxygen mask at night for bed.

Big deal - This can be upsetting but it is important to wear the mask. . I can use coping skills and talk to someone if I feel sad/upset about putting it on. 


Your schedule changes without you knowing

Little deal - sometimes changes happen and you have to be flexibe. You can use coping skills if you feel upset.


Someone threw away something you wanted

Little deal - I can ask them why they threw it away and ask to get it back. If its not ok to keep (because it is trash) I can use coping skills to help with feelings and move on.