Jesus was asked to let her sons sit on his right and left hand
Who is mother of James and John?
The disciples did this when parents brought their children to Jesus
What is- say that Jesus didn’t have time for children?
What a servant should do for their master
This should be used as a tool
What is money?
The shepherd who lost a sheep did this
What is leave the 99 with someone else and go look and find his lost sheep
Jesus’ answer to James and John
You don’t know what you are asking; can you drink from the cup I will be drinking from?
Jesus‘ answer to the disciples in regards to the children
Let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to ones like these
How many lepers asked Jesus to heal them?
Being trustworthy in little things shows this
That you can be trusted in big things
What did the shepherd do after he found his sheep
He brought it back rejoicing, and told everyone about it
The owner of the vineyard paid this to each person he hired
What is-the same amount?
Jesus’ answer to the rich young ruler who wanted to know what he needed to do to go to heaven
Jesus said to sell everything he had and to follow Jesus (Jesus knew his heart and that his money was very important to him)
How may lepers returned to thank Jesus?
Can a person serve two masters?
No, you can’t serve both God and money
The shepherd represents?
The sheep represents?
The shepherd represents Jesus, our Good Shepherd.The sheep represents a sinner who is found and saved by God
These workers felt angry about the amount of money they received
Who are the workers who were hired first?
Examples of things the Pharisees thought were ok for divorce
What is- burning the breakfast, no longer liking how she looks, etc
Thanking Jesus showed that more than just his body had been healed. What else was changed?
His heart. He believed that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, how are their situations different?
The rich man had everything he wanted or needed. Lazarus had nothing and suffered. The rich man didn’t use his money to help others.
What does the younger son tell his father in the parable of the Prodigal Son?
He tells his father that he wants his inheritance now (it was like saying that he wished his father was dead)
Name the person who is the greatest example of a servant
Who is Jesus?
Tell how marriage represents God’s love for us
God loves us and doesn’t change his mind about whether or not He will keep loving us
Faithful people keep doing this because they that God hears and answers prayers
What is praying (like the persistent widow and the grumpy judge)
We can serve God by using these things
What is our time, our talents, our money to serve God and help others
How is the Father who welcomes back his son like God?
He looks for us, He forgives and protects us, He offers us to be restored as His sons and daughters