(Who) A Jewish journalist working in Paris in the late 1880s.
Who is Theodor Herzl?
(How) Mira touches the gargoyle statue on one of the entrance pillars in the Notre Dame.
How does Mira begin time travel?
(Why) Mira is looking for her mother because of the address on the postcard she had found in the mailbox. She then knew her mother was not kidnapped nor dead.
Why is Mira time traveling in Paris?
(Describe) A time-traveler who is beautiful on the "outside" and evil on the "inside", and is trying to stop Mira from time-traveling, so that she cannot help her mother.
Who is Madame Lefoutre?
(Describe) When Mira bumps or touches the touchstone, she sees different scenes replaying backwards quickly. She sees sunrises and sunsets, clouds raising overhead, bright days and dark nights, each image moving so fast that she cannot grasp any details.
How does Mira time travel?
(Explain) To fix a past event which will affect the future for Mira. As a time-traveler, it is Mira's mother's responsibility to change events in the past that will have horrific consequences in the present or future for sometimes time-traveling relatives and regular people with inablities.
Why is Mira's mother time traveling?
(Contrast) These two artists both like working outside in the sunshine to get inspiration. They are both Impressionists. One of them hates the other, but the other does not really care about him.
How are Degas and Monet similar?
(Compare) The Impressionist period, when Degas and Monet were the leading artists. Also the period when Jewish and French are separated in Paris because of their religious beliefs. Today France is a more equal society and there is no separation based on religion or race. Art today is more abstract.
How is society structured in Paris in the late 1800s compared to today?
(Compare) This woman time travels to save Mira's future and first trying to get Zola to write something about good about the Jews, specifically Dreyfus. Mira does not know that she can even time travel and her mother tells her to first bribe Degas to think that the Jews are good people.
What is the difference between Mira's and Serena's goals for time-traveling?