Tribute to the Arts and Artists
Osceola Award
Keepr of the Flame Award
Embodied in the virtues of the nine Jewels and the Delta Oath
Fundamental Principals
How do members respond after three raps of the gavel during Delta meetings?
What is the purpose of the National Vigilance committee?
serves as the political mouthpiece and the way to keep in touch with political and civic activities in the black community
Honors achievement in field of communication
Lillian Award
Collegiate Chapter with highest GPA
Minerva Award for Academic Excellence
Scholarship, fellowship, service, and a desire to attain all that would ennoble.
Pyramid Public Motto
A replica of the sculpture Fortitude, commissione by the Sorority and unveiled at Howard Universit in 1979.
Fortitude Pin
Who wrote the Delta Oath
Mary Church Terrell
A bronze statue of a Black woman-arms are broken
Sadie T.M. Alexander Award
Supports and sustains commitment to HBCU's
Dr. Thelma T. Daley Distinguised Professor Endowed Chair Award
Created in recognition for contributions of $1000+ for DREF.
Diamond Jubilee Pin
Designed by Madree Penn White and comprised by three Greek Letters.
Sorority Pin
Who wrote the Delta National Hymn?
Alice Dunbar Nelson Florence Talbert
Honorary Member established home for unwanted babies
Clara M. Hale Humanitarian Award
Social Action Award
Althea T. L. Simmons Award
Designed by Epsilon Chapter, OSU and adopted in 1920
Pyramid Pin
Symbolizes the public motto and is represented by the red candle used during ritualistic ceremonies.
I will take an active interest in the welfare.......rights.
I will take an active interest in the welfare of my country using my influence toward the enactment of laws for the protection of the unfortunate and weak and for the repeal of those depriving human beings of their privileges and rights.
Honors work in the field of Civil Rights
Mary Church Terrell Award
Given for Outstanding Government Service
Patricia Roberts Harris Award
Intelligence is the Torch of Wisdom
Public Motto
Who designed the Sorority Crest?
F. Ailene Marks and Jeannette Triplett Jones
I will never belittle any race.....stand
I will never belittle any race and will try to persuade others to take the same just stand.