The Flintstones
We All Scream for Ice Cream
Country Music
It's a Doggy-Dog World
I'll Show You
"Yabba-dabba-doo" is his signature exclamation.

Who is Fred Flintstone?


If you want to lick your ice cream, put it in this.

What is a cone?


This country music idol owned a 1960 solid gold Cadillac.

Who is Elvis Presley?


Lassie was a member of this large-breed dog.

What is a collie?


This media maven and celebrity who starred in The Colour Purple (1985) once had a wildly popular daytime show.

Who is Oprah Winfrey?


This powers the Flintstones' cars.

What are feet?


This is the most popular ice cream topping.

What is chocolate syrup?


This husband and wife country duo lived in The House of Cash.

Who were Johnny Cash and June Carter?


This is another name for a police dog.

What is K9?


Teachers told this inventor of the lightbulb he was "too stupid to learn anything."

Who is Thomas Edison? His first invention was a tin-foil phonograph, and the inventions kept on coming. He received 1,093 patents for his inventions.


This town is home to the Flintstones.

What is Bedrock?

This is the best-selling flavor of ice cream.

What is vanilla?


This country music legend is famous for her hit "Crazy". Her career was cut short in 1963 when she died in a plane crash at the age of 30.

Who is Patsy Cline?


The Humane Society of the Unites States says dog racing in inhumane, and seven states have banned it, but dog racing continues in some states with this breed. 

What is the greyhound?


This amusement park and media mogul lost his newspaper job because his editor felt he 'lacked imagination and had no good ideas."

Who is Walt Disney?


They (first and last names) are the Flintstones' next-door neighbours?

Who are Betty and Barney Rubble?


This country consumes the most ice cream per person.

What is the United States? Australia, Norway, Sweden and Denmark fill out the other trop five countries.


Antha Belle Jett, stage name Jett Williams, is the daughter of this famous country music star.

Who is Hank Williams?


Scientist believe domesticated dogs evolved from this canine.

What is the wolf?


This famous sitcom actress' agent "splained" to her she should look for a new career.  Later, she and her husband had a hit sitcom that's still very much alive and well in syndication.

Who is Lucille Ball?


She is the Flintstones' baby girl.

Who is Pebbles?


If you make ice cream with a hand-crank ice cream maker, you will need to add this common seasoning to the ice and water in the outing ring of the tub.

What is salt?


This country music star stutters only when he speaks, not when he sings.

Who is Mel Tillis?

Name one of the two senses that is greater in a dog than a human.

What is smell or sound?


When his beloved rhyming children's author submitted his first manuscript, 27 publishers rejected it.

Who is Dr. Seuss? He authored more than 40 books.