Smith Rules
Psychology Stuff
Emotional Synonyms

What are two songs that you can sing to make sure you are washing your hands for enough time to get them clean.

the ABCs and Happy Birthday.


what does the acronym T.E.A.M stand for?

Training, Evolving, Achieving, Mastery


What kinds of clothing are part of the appropriate uniform?

collared shirt, single colored pants (not jeans or leggings) or single colored shorts or skirts that go down lower than your arms at your sides, and closed toed shoes. 


what does ODD stand for?

A. just weird. B. Oppositional Defiant Disorder. C. Observed Defect Disorder. 

B. Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

ODD is a childhood disorder that is defined by a pattern of hostile, disobedient, and defiant behaviors directed at adults or other authority figures.


Which is a synonym for angry?

A. rejected  B. Provocative  C. Disjointed  D. Provoked    

D. Provoked    


true or false: It is okay to turn your underwear inside-out and wear them a second time.



What are the guiding principles of the Training level? 

I am willing to learn.

I am open to receiving help from others.


Which isn't a smith rule?  

Use appropriate language. Respect yourself and others. Run in the hall. Raise your hand to speak or ask a question.  

Run in the hall. 

You must walk quietly in the hallways.


What isn't a symptom of ADHD?

A. trouble staying focused  B. being easily distracted or getting bored with a task before it's completed.  C. being hungry all the time.  D. having difficulty remembering things and following instructions

C. being hungry all the time.


What isn't a synonym for fear? 

A. worried  B. anxious  C. insecure D. hurt  E. all of the above

D. hurt


How should you wash your feet & body?

a. With soap and a wash cloth, making sure that you get into the nooks and crannies. Then drying well with a towel b. No need to use soap, just rinse off in the shower c. Just spray with perfume and apply deodorant everywhere d. Just wash with soap.

a. With soap and a wash cloth, making sure that you get into the nooks and crannies. Then drying well with a towel


What is one criteria for moving to Evolving level?

1. 10 days with 125 points or more per day (last 5 days must be consecutive).   2. 6 out of 10 home notes signed and returned.    3. No unpaid damages

   4. no level freezes in the last 5 days.  


What are two things you must do when you enter the building?

Have your book-bag checked. Get checked by the metal detector. Turn your phone over to the staff.


What is Social Anxiety? 

Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. Social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being negatively judged and evaluated by other people.


Name two synonyms for Disgust. 

Disapproval, disappointed, awful, avoidance ect. 


Where does bacterial plaque stay the longest, and can cause bad breath?

The Tongue


what is the guiding principal of the Achieving level?

My behaviors are positive because I have self-respect. I am proud of who I am and my accomplishments. I am proud of the way people respect me. I deserve to be respected.


what aren't you allowed to wear at Smith?

short shorts, skirts, belly shirts, revealing clothing, clothing with drug or alcohol symbols, hats or bandanas, flip flops or slides. 


Name three coping skills that you can use in class when you are overwhelmed or frustrated. Act one out. 

there are many coping skills that can be helpful but the kinds of copings skills that you can use in class can not be disruptive to your peers. These coping skills can be something like: putting your head down, taking a deep breath, shutting your eyes, clenching and un-clenching you muscles, counting to ten, asking for and then drinking some water, ect.  


What isn't a synonym for Surprised?  

A. Startled  B. Perplexed  C. Terrified  D. Energetic  E. None of the above

C. Terrified


What is personal hygiene a good prevention of?

a. Tooth decay b. Diseases & sickness c. Loosing hair d. Looking ugly

 b. Diseases & sickness, but good hygiene helps with A and D


Who is the last client to make it to the Mastery level?



Name three things you are not allowed to bring to Smith.

Lighters, matches, weapons, cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol.  


Name two treatment plan goals of that members of your group have.

answers will vary.


name 5 synonyms for happy.