How many berachot are before ק''ש
What is the first case of the Mishna?
"When do we say the shema in the evening?"
What is Chatzot?
What is Alot Hshachar?
Midnight (or midday)
they are lazy bums
a beracha that is קצרה
אהבת עולם אהבתנוb
because it doesnt begin with baruch
What is Rabi Eliezer's opinion?
Until the end of the first watch
What story shows us Rabban Gamliels opinion?
His sons return to a party late at night and ask him if they can still say the shema
When does the Tana Kamma say we can start saying it?
When you can recognize between blue and white
What is later, when you can see the difference between blue and white, or blue and green?
Blue and green
Who was Rebbi Eliezer ben Azarya
A Tana, who became Rosh Yeshiva at the age of 18 ,
What is the Chachamim's opinion?
Until Midnight (Chatzot)
What does Rabban Gamliel say about the Chachamim's opinion?
Anytime the Chachamim say "until midnight (chasot)" the mitzvah is until Dawn
the position to say Shema
בית הלל - כדרכו
בית שמאי - בלילה יטו.
ובבוקר יעמוד
According to Rabi Yehoshua, why can you say it until the third hour?
Because that's when the princes would wake up (meaning that it is still the morning)
How many times?
למען תזכור את יום צאתך מארץ מצרים כל ימי חייך
חכמים ביום
ראב''ע ביום ובלילה
What is the reason of Rebbi Eliezer
when most go to sleep
What is the reason that Rabban Gamliel says that about the Chachamim's opinion
To distance someone from aveirah
When does Rabi Eliezer say is the latest to say it?
Sunrise -NETZ
ובשוכבך ובקומך
The Torah is telling us the TIME to say shema
Explain what Ben-Zoma and the chachamim are arguing about
כל ימי חייך
What can you do at tzet Hakochavim?
Kohanim can eat Terumah
Everyone can say SHEMA
What are the "shmurot"? (Hint: ashmura harishona)
And how many are there in a full day (24 hours)?
The watches
There are 6 total (3 day and 3 night)
These Mishnayot have a story
what are they?
א ג ה
בניו של ר''ג. מעשה של רבי טרפון. ראב''ע
Is it bad to say shema after the third hour? Why or why not?
No - it is good because you still get the mitzvah of reading Torah.