Parashat Mishpatim warns against oppressing this type of person, reminding Bnei Yisrael that they once held the same status in Egypt.
Who is a ger (a stranger/convert)?
“¿Cómo estás?
This World War I campaign, often referred to as the ‘Anzac Day’ battle, took place on April 25, 1915, and is commemorated annually in Australia and New Zealand.
There's no place like home
This fictional land, created by C.S. Lewis, features talking animals and a wardrobe as a portal for children to enter.
If a Jewish servant refuses to go free after six years, the Torah commands that this unusual act be performed to symbolize his decision.
Pierce his ear at the doorpost
Olá! Como você está?
This battle in 1942 was a significant victory for Australian forces against Japanese troops in Papua New Guinea, known for the difficult jungle terrain
My precious
Lord of the Rings
This fictional country, created by author L. Frank Baum, is known for its colorful inhabitants, including the Scarecrow and the Tin Man, and is ruled by the Wizard
At Matan Torah, Bnei Yisrael famously declared ‘Na’aseh V’Nishma’—but according to the Gemara, Hashem ensured their acceptance by doing this dramatic act.
Lifted the mountain over them like a barrel
こんにちは! お元気ですか
During the Vietnam War, this Australian military operation was a significant engagement, involving a battle against Viet Cong forces in 1966
Long tan
My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates You never know what you're gonna get
Forest Gump
This fantasy realm created by J.R.R. Tolkien is home to hobbits, elves, and the One Ring, encompassing the journey of Frodo Baggins
Middle Earth
Parashat Mishpatim presents the Torah’s approach to justice, including the principle of “an eye for an eye.” However, Chazal interpret this phrase differently, explaining it means this instead.
Monetary compensation
سلام! حال شما چطور است
This turning point battle of the American Civil War in 1863 is considered a major victory for the Union and is often cited as the war's turning point
Princess Bride
This prolific author is known for creating the ‘Foundation’ series and establishing the three laws of robotics, significantly influencing science fiction literatur
Isaac Asimov
When Bnei Yisrael accept the Torah, Moshe builds an altar and sets up twelve pillars. Rashi explains that these pillars correspond to this significant idea.
The 12 tribes
안녕하세요! 어떻게 지내세요?
This conflict, also known as the ‘Second World War in the Pacific,’ saw Australian forces engage in battles against Japanese forces on several islands, including Borneo and New Guinea
Battle of Pacific
Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads
Back to the Future
“In this epic series by Frank Herbert, the desert planet is the only source of the valuable spice melange, which grants psychic abilities and extends lif
Arrakis (Dune)