Fast Facts

Miss Tantry graduated from this New Jersey college.

What is "The College of New Jersey"?


While she loves a good comedy from time to time, Miss Tantry's favorite genre of tv and movies is actually this--the complete opposite!

What is "thriller"?

My favorite movie is Zodiac, directed by David Fincher!


Miss Tantry writes with this hand. 

What is "right hand"?


Miss Tantry is of this nationality, but her ethnicity is this!

What is "American" and "Indian", and in that order!

Nationality refers to your country of citizenship, but your ethnicity refers to your ancestry. This is complicated for many people!


Every morning, Miss Tantry wakes up and completes these three daily New York Times Word Games. Hint: they were especially popular during quarantine!

What are "Wordle", "Connections", and "Mini Crossword"?


This is how many languages Miss Tantry knows!

What is "three"?

English, Kannada, and Latin! 


After graduating, Miss Tantry spent a year traveling abroad. In that time, she took this many flights. Hint: it's the same as the age most students are when they head off to college. 

What is "eighteen"?


Miss Tantry has been listening non-stop to this new album, released by one of this summer's pop princesses. You may recognize its peculiar shade of verdant popping up all over social media--it's everywhere! How Julia!

What is "brat" by Charli xcx?


Miss Tantry has done this hobby/sport/art form for the last twenty years, and was captain of her college team. 

What is "dance"?


This is Miss Tantry's Zodiac sign, which makes complete sense because she feels she has two different personalities at times. 

What is "Gemini"?


She's totally lactose intolerant, so you'll frequently catch Miss Tantry taking a Lactaid before she enjoys this: her favorite childish, yet sprinkled flavor of ice cream. 

What is "birthday cake"?


Miss Tantry is a big reader and a lover of libraries. Her goal is to finish reading 60 books this year, but she's not quite there yet. This is how many she's read thus far--which is "quarante et un" in French!

What is "forty one"?


This is how many students are in Miss Tantry's 7T team this year! Hint: the largest 7th grade team has about 112, and we're one of the smallest teams with closer to 100. 

What is "105" kids?


Miss Tantry and this eighth grade GMS social studies teacher have been best friends since college. His classroom is just down the hall!

Who is "Mr. Kapetanakis" or "Mr. K"?


Miss Tantry just finished an eight week course on this medieval form of divination that uses colorful cards to reveal deeper meanings.

What is "tarot"?