Classroom Rules
Classroom Procedures
Language Arts
Social Studies
Crystal received a warning when she went to the pencil sharpner.
What is "Raise Your Hand For Permission to Leave Your Seat"?
Aniya had a super cute pencil. Her pencil kept breaking though, and she had to go to the pencil sharpener a lot that day.
What is ask for permission to use the pencil sharpener?
Sara had a rough month that first month! To begin with, she lost her favorite running shirt. It was her lucky shirt when she ran track and now she was worried her time would be off. Then she misunderstood the directions to a big meet- unfortunately she did not make it to the track in time to compete. Lastly, she placed last in her division because she was sick with the flu the night before the big competition!
What is chronological order?
it, she, they , himself, their, our, his
What is "pronoun"?
This bill is to make sure that all Americans have equal rights and can live happily and more peacefully.
What is the Bill of Rights?
Karev took his time getting out his binder when he walked in to the classroom.
What is "Follow Directions Quickly"?
Jordan was super excited to use the Google chrome book that day! He had to remember how to carry it safely though.
What is "use both hands to carry technology"?
Describe in Detail the Character Fox: Crow had a herculaneum sized piece of cheese!Fox saw that piece of cheese and began to flatter Crow. "Oh, Crow, you look so lovely with your dark feathers!" Crow loved to hear that, nobody else ever flattered him! "Oh, Crow, I bet you can dance beautifully!" Crow began to hop and jump around on the branch, all the while look silly. "Oh, Crow, I bet you can sing wonderfully as well!" Crow puffed out his chest opened his beak and let out a horrible scrrreeeech!! Fox grabbed the cheese and ran away with his new snack.
What is sneaky, a thieve, liar, deceptive or slick?
Lexie GENTLY woke up the sleeping children.
What is an "adverb"?
This branch of government makes the laws and approves presidential appointments.
What is the legislative branch?
Jamarion repeatedly blurts out while another student is inquiring about the lesson.
What is "Raise Your Hand for Permission to Speak"?
Genesis wasn't sure what the directions meant on her class project. She really needed some one to explain it to her better.
What is "ask 3 before me" or "ask a partner"?
Theme: Crow had a herculaneum sized piece of cheese!Fox saw that piece of cheese and began to flatter Crow. "Oh, Crow, you look so lovely with your dark feathers!" Crow loved to hear that, nobody else ever flattered him! "Oh, Crow, I bet you can dance beautifully!" Crow began to hop and jump around on the branch, all the while look silly. "Oh, Crow, I bet you can sing wonderfully as well!" Crow puffed out his chest opened his beak and let out a horrible scrrreeeech!! Fox grabbed the cheese and ran away with his new snack.
What is "don't believe those who flatter you"?
school, love, hate, dolphin, pencil, goalie
What is a "noun"?
This branch of government signs laws and pardons people.
What is the executive branch?
Serenity was bored in reading class, she took a pencil and started sticking it into the glue stick.
What is "Make Smart Choices"?
Keaton was starved! He was super happy that they were going to lunch and lining up after they washed their hands.
What is "two feet one square" or "cross your arms over your chest" or "travel position"?
What does this poem mean? Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.
What is "life is boring with out dreams"?
Makayla was looking BESIDE her desk but could never find the missing notebook.
What is a "preposition"?
Location: Paris , France is 48 degrees North Latitude and 2 degrees East Longitude.
What is absolute location?
Marcus came to class excessively late and kept distracting other students by making silly faces at them.
What is "Make Your Dear Teacher Happy"?
Centers was really interesting today! A few groups had exciting games and things got a little loud. Mrs. Marks came over the intercom to give Miss. Barber a very important message.
What is "voices off when the intercom's on"?
Story Structure: Frogs and lizards are not entirely different and do have some similarities. While frogs are shorter in length and more stocky, lizards are longer and more slender. Both have a soft body though, and both are able to live in wet conditions.
What is "comparison"?
The part of speech that is a word or phrase expressing strong emotion.
What is an "interjection"?
Source: Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece wrote a book describing what life was like when her Uncle Martin was alive and then killed.
What is a primary source?