How do you get the teacher's attention if you need help?
Quietly raise your hand and wait to be called on.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
During work time or group time. NOT during lesson time or teaching time.
How do I line up to leave Miss Bellon's class?
Wait for my name to be called and then walk quietly to line. Stay in your spot and walk quietly in the hallway.
Where is the pencil sharpener?
On top of the rainbow cart by my desk.
Where are the extra reading books?
On the blue bookshelf near the middle of the room. ONLY TAKE A BOOK FROM THE SHELF IF YOU ASK FIRST!
When can I go to the bathroom?
During work time or group time. NOT during lesson time or teaching time.
Can I go to the bathroom when another student is using the bathroom?
Only 1 girl and 1 boy are permitted to go to the bathroom at the same time.
How do I earn PAX tickets in Miss Bellon's class?
By following directions, showing respect, helping others, etc. There are many ways to earn PAX tickets as long as you are doing what you should be doing.
Where are the tissues?
On the desk at the front of the room by the door.
Where do I turn in my work?
All work gets turned in to the basket with your homeroom teacher's name on it:
Miss Bellon
Mrs. Hecker
Mrs. Mallozzi
How do students show respect to one another?
By being kind, helping one another, and NOT hurting one another with hands or feet.
What happens if I sleep in class?
You will lose points for the day's work. If you fall asleep often, a phone call will be made to your parents.
When can I get out of my seat?
When you have raised your hand and asked permission OR if I, or another adult in the room tells you to.
Where is the hand sanitizer?
On the wall near the door.
Can I open the desk where I sit?
You may ONLY open the desk that you are seated at IF you are in MY homeroom and YOUR NAME is on that desk! If you are caught in another student's desk you will be given a consequence.
When can I share my answer?
After you have raised your hand and waited to be called on. NEVER while someone else is sharing their answer.
What if I need extra time to finish my work?
You can only have extra time to complete your work if you were actually working hard during work time. If you were playing around or sleeping you WILL NOT be given extra time.
What do I do if I need a tissue?
Quietly get up and go to the desk by the door to get one. Throw the tissue in the trash can and get a squirt of hand sanitizer. Then walk quietly back to your seat. DO NOT disrupt anyone on your way!
Where are the extra pencils?
In a cup on top of the black cabinet next to my desk.
Am I allowed behind Miss Bellon's desk, or in the area of her desk?
You are ONLY permitted behind my desk or in that area IF I, OR another adult gives you permission to do so.
How do students show respect to teachers/adults?
By doing what they ask you to do and NOT talking back to them.
What do I do when I enter Miss Bellon's classroom?
Go to my assigned seat quietly and wait for directions.
What do I do if someone is bothering me in Miss Bellon's class?
Raise your hand to tell me or tell another adult in the room. If you don't feel comfortable telling us during class come see us at the end of class or at another time to talk about it privately.
What are the charts on the bulletin boards for?
We will hang charts as we learn different reading skills in class. You should be using the charts in class when we are having discussions and to help you when you take tests.
Where do we go if we have a fire drill during Miss Bellon's class?
We quickly line up at the door, make a left and go out of the door next to the boys bathroom. Walk through the hallway and out the doors, up the steps, then cross the street near Bekavac's Funeral Home. We wait there as a class until we are told that it is safe to go back into the building.