What color(s) are they?
Brown, olive, pink, multi colored
What is Miss Cece’s Birthday?
What happens at 2:45pm everyday in DC
Clean up and snack!
What type of animal is the Axolotl?
A salamander
What is Miss Cece’s favorite saying when people leave
“Bye forever!””
What do Axolotls eat?
Worms, insects, and small fish
What’s Miss Cece’s full name
Cecelia Lowe
How many teachers work in DC, both in the kindergarten and big kid room?
Ms. Sam, Mr. Harrison, Ms.Kim, Ms. Cece, Ms. Emma, Mr. Evan, Ms. Lexi, Mr Jamie,Ms Brenda, Ms Lo, Ms Imani, Ms Kelly (12)
What do you call animals who don’t sleep during the day?
What were the last two clubs in DC?
Crochet and cheer club
What are the feathery appendages called on the outside of their bodies?
Their gills
How tall is Miss Cece?
5 feet tall!
What was the DC spider’s name?
If an Axolotl gets injured or cut what can it do?
Regenerate missing limbs and organs
When do we have Ice Cream Sundays in DC?
On the last Carnival Day!
Where do Axolotls live?
In Mexico City, in the water
What is Miss Cece’s favorite thing to do on Friday in DC?
Play music!!!
How many kids are in Dolphin club?
About 170!
What do you call a species that’s close to becoming extinct?
What is Miss Emma’s sport?
What does the word “Axolotl” come from?
It means “water monster” in Aztec
What is my favorite game to play?
Card game Speed or Uno
What day do we have a special snack?
Tasty Tuesday
The Axolotl is named from a God, what do you think his power was?
Turning into a salamander
What is the lake do Axolotls live in?
Lake xochimilio and Lake chalco