Classroom Procedures
Classroom Expectations
School Expectations

What does the "C" in CARES stand for? What is one example of showing this word in school?



I have to use the bathroom! What should I do?

Give the thumbs up sign, take the bathroom pass, quietly use the restroom, wash hands, come right back.


Miss Dunleavy asks me to write an answer in my journal for my morning work. What should I remember to do?

Write the date, use complete sentences with the red sentence starters, answer the question completely, write on the lines with my best handwriting.


It's recess time! What rules do I need to remember?

No throwing mulch, keep hands to yourself, only 1 person on the tornado, only 2 people on the tire swing, include everyone, speak kind words, stand quietly in line as soon as the whistle is blown.

How many cushions do you need when you are sitting around the room?



What does the "A" in CARES stand for? What is one example of showing this word in school?



My pencil broke! What should I do?

Put your dull pencil in the dull bucket, take one that is already sharpened. (You should already have another sharp one at your desk!)


Mrs. Vo is teaching a math lesson at the board. What should I be doing? What should I not be doing?

I should: face the board, turn to the page we are on, show my work on my whiteboard, turn and talk when I am asked to, raise my hand if I have a question, follow along.

I should not: talk to a friend, flip to a different page, tear out a page if not told to, play with things in my desk, draw on my whiteboard.


It's lunch time! What rules do I need to remember?

Walk in the cafeteria, say "please" and "thank you", throw your trash away and pick up anything you dropped, raise your hand if you need something, use an appropriate voice level, wait in line quietly for your teacher.


Why is it important to stay on a level 0 and walk during a fire drill?

You can hear the teachers' directions, other students are not distracted, helps us to stay calm and safe.

What does the "R" in CARES stand for? What is one example of showing this word in school?



I am stuck on a question during my independent work, and the teachers are with another student. What should I do?

Try your best, ask 3 friends for help, skip it and move to the next question until the teacher is free.


We are back from Library and are waiting to go to lunch! What are we supposed to do?

Wash your hands at the bathroom sink or classroom sink quietly, put your laptop and books away, get your lunch card or lunchbox, sit on the floor and listen to the read aloud or read a book quietly at your desk.


I am walking in the hallway from my classroom to Music. What should I remember to do?

Walk, stay on a level 0, go up/down the stairs one at a time, stay behind the person in front of you, keep your hands to yourself.


Where are you allowed to use your laptop?

On top of your desk or on the floor next to your desk.

What does the "E" in CARES stand for? What is one example of showing this word in school?



I am finished with all of my "Must Do" work! What are some successful choices I could make now?

Blue folder work, unfinished Google Classroom assignments, iReady, Prodigy, read a book, Freckle, math challenges in pink binder


What should the room look like at the end of the day?

Nothing on the floor, nothing on top of desks, chairs put up on MWF, library is organized, cubbies are organized, laptops are plugged in, tables are wiped down.


I have to use the bathroom after recess. There are a ton of third graders there! What should I do?

Wait quietly in the hallway until it is your turn, use the bathroom quickly, wash your hands, wave to your friends if you see them, remind other friends of expectations so they do not disrupt others.

What should you do if someone gets sick, hurt, or needs help from an adult and you are alone in the hallway?

Go to the nearest classroom, ask for help from an adult, call 2405 on the phone for Nurse B.


What does the "S" in CARES stand for? What is one example of showing this word in school?

Self Control


It is time to pack up at the end of the day! What should I do?

Check your mailbox, make sure there is nothing on your desk, do your classroom job, read a book quietly.

It's brain break time! What should I do?

Participate in the video or stand at your desk and move at your own pace.


I am at Special and I don't really like the activity we are doing. What should I do?

Try your best, learn from somebody near you, ask for help, never give up, thank your teacher!


When should you go to Nurse B?

Throwing up, broken bone or other serious injury, fever, hit your head, lightheaded, stung by a bee, hard to breathe.