Civil Liberties can be found in the US ________________.
Bill of Rights
What does incorporate mean?
To apply
Daily Double!!!
What is slander?
False and malicious use of spoken words
What phrase did Thomas Jefferson coin in reference to freedom of Religion?
Separation of church and state
What do the respective Sedition Acts target?
Speaking out against the government
Daily Double!!!
What is the downside to maximizing order?
The bill of rights originally limited the actions of only what government?
The national government
____________ are phrases that might lead the individual to whom they are directed to respond with a punch.
Fighting words
What is the Coercion Test?
A government practice that forces a person to participate in a religious ceremony
How would you describe the marketplace of ideas to someone who was clueless?
The people are capable of accepting good ideas and rejecting bad ones
Explain a right to trial by jury.
People or peers decide if you are guilty of the crime or not
What amendment is used in this process?
The 14th Amendment
What is the definition of symbolic speech?
Certain types of nonverbal activities that have a political message or meaning
Lynch v. Donnelly demonstrates which religion test?
The Endorsement Test
What right did President Lincoln suspend during the Civil War?
The right to habeas corpus
Give an example of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights conflicting with each other.
Printing a newspaper article about the government’s inadequacies
When was the 14 th Amendment passed?
Yelling “fire” in a crowded theater is an example of what?
Clear and present danger
How does the “Establishment Clause” protect Americans?
Protect against any law, policy or regulation from anything on the government level that could lead to an establishment of religion
Describe what happened in the Cold War/McCarthyism situation.
Congress bans membership of communist party, held hearings investigating people's political views, and fired state workers for holding communist views
What is the definition of ex post facto laws?
Can’t be illegal in the past, only that day moving forward
What is one of the determining factors of the Compelling Interest Test?
Necessary to function, or law is drawn to meet that interest
Which scenario did we talk about (in power point pictures) that refenced incitement?
Bong Hits 4 Jesus
What are two of the three rules to the Lemon Test?
It has a nonreligious purpose, its main effect neither helps no hurts a religion, government and religion are not mixed too much
What happened to Anwar al Awlaki during the Obama Presidency?
Ordered execution via drone strike of a US Citizen who allegedly supported al-Qaeda