Arriving at school in the morning.
Come to our door, wait in line until the bell rings and a teacher comes to greet you.
Morning recess location
Big Park & Picnic Tables
We enter the class...
Your work should be...
Your best work / neat and tidy
We should leave the class...
Put outdoor shoes/boots on the boot rack and go up to your locker.
Lunch recess location
Big Park
We treat others with...
Lining up
Quietly single file
Hands at sides
Calm bodies
Personal responsible to clean up messes you make
YOU! You are responsible to clean up after yourselves.
The things you need to leave in your locker.
Locker: Outdoor clothing, backpack
Afternoon recess location.
Basketball court & Picnic tables
Miss Jess does not like ___ in the classroom
-Stop what you are doing
-Line up quietly
-Follow in line single file
-Sit quietly for attendance
Class jobs
On the board by your table animal.
Things you need to bring with you into class.
Class: Indoor shoes Lunch kit (cubby), Agenda, water bottle
Something happened at recess, who should you tell?
The teacher on supervision.
Bonus: When do you need to tell Miss Jess?
is welcome here
Lock Down Procedure
We quietly line up and go into Mrs. Przybylski's room.
We make no sounds until Mrs. Tapson comes back on the intercom to tell us it is over.
Saying goodbye
Say good bye to Miss Jess so she knows you are off safe and tell her that she is the best.
What you do when you enter the classroom in the morning.
1. Calm & Quiet
2. No sharing food
3. Ask you leave (washroom)
4. Canteen is pre-order only
Take care of...
Each Other
Our Classroom
The most important thing at school.
To feel safe and loved.
After leaving the class/school.