The name of Hagrid's dog
What is Fang
The red sign in the shape of an octagon that is frequently encountered when driving
What is stop sign
Anything that takes up space
What is matter
the current month
what is april
this is a line that splits a shape evenly
what is line of symmetry
The Professor who Harry thinks hates him
Who is Snape
The sign above a doorway
what is exit
something you observe about an object
what is its property
the holiday this month
what is easter
when shapes or colors repeat in a certain order
what is a pattern
The password to enter Griffindoyr Dormitory
What is Pig Snout
The right side of a faucet
what is cold
the amount of space an object takes up
what is volume
the date of the holiday this month
what is april 21
when a shapes moves over to a different spot without turning at all
what is slide
What is guarding the trapdoor in Hogwarts
What is 3 headed dog
The left side of the faucet
what is hot
the measure of how much matter an object contains
what is mass
the current season
what is spring
when a shape flips when it is moved
what is a turn
The position Harry plays on his Quidditch team
What is seeker
The sign showing up and down arrows
what is elevator
the five senses
what are see, hear, touch, taste,and smell
the last day of school for us
what is june 6
the tool used in math to figure out answers quickly
what is calculator