L/S/R/W Categories
Parts of Speech
Commonly Confused Words

Find the grammar error in this sentence. 

The original oranges from Southeast asia were a tangerine-pomelo hybrid and they were actually green.

The original oranges from Southeast Asia were a tangerine-pomelo hybrid, and they were actually green.


How can you tell how far away a lightning strike was? 

Light travels faster than sound. So when lightning occurs, every five seconds equals one mile. (i.e. Ten seconds = two miles away). 

What is a good strategy when answering reading comprehension questions? 

Highlight as you read, Read the questions first, Look for keywords that are in the questions, Look back in the text, etc. 


Which of the following is an noun? 

Fast, Jump, Soccer Ball, Exercise

Soccer Ball

There are (two, to, too) hours left until lunch. 



Find the grammar error in this sentence. 

A waffle iron inspired one of the first pairs of Nikes

A waffle iron inspired one of the first pairs of Nikes.


What does the BLM do to manage wild horse and burro populations? 

TWO things. 

Round-ups and Adoptions

What pet does Miss Moss have and what pet does Mrs. Pauley have? 

Miss Moss - Cat and Mrs. Pauley - Chameleon


Which of the following is a verb? 

Library, Quiet, Books, Reading



She is (your, you're) older sister. 



Find the grammar error in this sentence. 

Thanks to 3D printing, nasa can basically “email” tools to astronauts.

Thanks to 3D printing, NASA can basically “email” tools to astronauts


Why are panda bears endangered? 

Panda bears are endangered mainly due to deforestation. The reason this is such an issue is because panda bears will ONLY eat bamboo. They have not adapted to eating anything else so when there is no bamboo, then they don't eat. They also have difficulty breeding and when they do have a cub, it is small due to the lack of nutrients the bamboo provides. 


 Name three positive things about yourself. (must be teacher approved)



Which of the following is an adjective? 

Sunday, nap, relaxing, dinner



I want (to, too, two) go (to, too, two) the movies (to, too, two).

I want TO go TO the movies TOO. 


Find the grammar error in this sentence. 

The inventor of the microwave appliance only receive $2 for his discovery.

The inventor of the microwave appliance only received $2 for his discovery


How is lightning formed? 

When a storm cloud is formed, the hot air (positive charge) rises since it's less dense, and the cold air (negative charge) sinks since it's more dense. Electricity likes to be equal or neutral so when it separates, it creates lightning as a channel to try and equal out the charges. It can occur within a cloud, to the air, or to the ground. 


Name three countries Miss Moss has lived in OR three states Mrs. Pauley has lived in. 

Miss Moss - United States, China, Mexico, Romania. 

Mrs. Pauley - New York, South Dakota, Utah, Pennsylvania


Name 1 noun, 1 verb, and 1 adjective. 

Noun - person, place or thing

Verb - action word

Adjective - description


(Your, You're) going to be happy when (your, you're) dog is potty-trained. 

YOU'RE going to be happy when YOUR dog is potty-trained. 


Find the grammar error in this sentence. 

Human noses and ears keep getting bigger even when the rest of the body’s growth has come to a halt.

Human noses and ears keep getting bigger, even when the rest of the body’s growth has come to a halt.


How was the Grand Canyon formed? 

Tectonic plates came together to push up the land to become the Colorado Plateau. The water that gathered on the top then ran down the Plateau forming the Colorado River. Since it was moving downward faster than a typical river and gathering sand, it carved the Grand Canyon through erosion and weathering. 


What does IEP stand for? 

Individualized Education Plan (or Program)


Name two pronouns. 

We, She, I, He, You, It, etc. 


(There, Their, They're) is no shortage of bugs in (there, their, they're) garage, so (there, their, they're) going to clean it out soon. 

THERE is no shortage of bugs in THEIR garage, so THEY'RE going to clean it out soon.