Her brother passed away and is kept in an empty bedroom.
“On the advice of Dr. Golan, who thought it would be good for me to “confront the scene of my trauma,” I was enlisted to help my dad and Aunt Susie sort through the detritus.”
Words of the Wiser
Jacob discovers his grandpa here at the beginning of the book.
The woods near his house.
“Emma and I sat down just as the curtain opened, revealing a straw boater hat floating atop a gaudy red-and-white striped suit. It was only when I heard a voice did I realize that—of course—it was Millard”
Aha Moment
What day and year their loop placed in?
September 3, 1940
“Growing up, Grandpa Portman was the most fascinating person I knew. He had lived in an orphanage, fought in wars, crossed oceans by steamship and deserts on horseback, performed in circuses, knew everything about guns and self-defense and surviving in the wilderness, and spoke at least three languages that weren’t English”
Memory Moment
She was once in love with Abe.
“Bombed in the war—that would certainly explain those rooms with blown-out walls. But what about the letter from Miss Peregrine—postmarked Cairnholm—sent just fifteen years ago?”
Tough Question
“Enoch and Emma went back and forth for a while. People took sides. Enoch argued that they’d been too long out of the world, that they’d get snared in the war or caught by hollows if they left, that it was better to take their chances here, where at least they knew the territory. The others insisted that the war and the hollows had come to them now, and they had no choice.”
Contrast and Contradiction