Colin's Complete Sentences
Derek's Tales
Thaily's Tongue Twisters
Stephen's Meanin's

She _________ to the mall after class

(Past tense of walk)



A man goes to a restaurant for dinner.  They bring him food that is undercooked, stinky, and cold! He says nothing, but leaves them a big tip.

The next week, he comes back for dinner, and everyone is excited to see him.  He is given a free dessert and his meal is incredible! But.. he leaves no tip.

When the waiter asked him why he didn't leave a tip, he says "today's tip was for last week, and last week's tip was for today! We are even!"

-A man went out to dinner

-He was served a bad dinner

-He left a big tip

-He came back to the restaurant

-He had a great dinner

-He left a little tip

-He said they were "even"


The first thing that they think of is this.


Two meanings of the word: rock


What super-power would you want if you could have any of them?


Yesterday, I ______ to the anime store with my friends!

(Past tense of go)



In a faraway city, lived a unique couple — the elephant and his wife the ant.

One day, while returning home on their scooter after a long day’s work, happens something unexpected. They had an accident. The elephant gets hurt, but the ant escapes without a scratch.

Guess how? 

Because the ant is a safe rider and was wearing a helmet.

-There was a couple with an ant and an elephant

-They were riding home from work on a scooter

-They had an accident

-The ant was safe but the elephant got hurt

-The ant was wearing a helmet


Thirsty throats find things to drink.


Two meanings of the word: bark


Would you rather take over the world or stop a super villain takeover?


Last year, we ______ a lot of snow days in the winter

(Past tense of have)


Two friends visit a restaurant and order drinks. They do not order anything to eat, since they have a sandwich in each of their briefcases's. The men take out their sandwiches and start eating them.

The waiter comes, and sternly says, “You are not allowed to eat your own sandwiches inside the restaurant.”

The smart friends look at each other, laugh and exchange their sandwiches.

-Two friends went out to a restaurant

-They do not order food

-They have sandwiches in their bags

-They get yelled at by the waitress for "bringing their own food"

-They switch sandwiches and laugh


Thanks for the things you sang for me.


Two meanings of the word: blue


If you were invisible for a day, what would you want to do?


When we went to Florida, we _________ a lot of sunblock because of the sun!

(Past tense of wear)



Charlie was walking home from school one day and saw a frog on the road. The frog hopped over to Charlie and started to speak.

"If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess," said the frog.

Charlie picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.

"Please kiss me," said the frog. "I'll love you forever!"

Charlie just looked at the frog and smiled.

The frog yelled, "If you kiss me and turn me into a princess, I'll clean your room, cook for you, do your homework, and love you forever!"

Charlie smiled at the frog, and put it back into his pocket.

"What is wrong with you?" shouted the frog. "I've told you that I'm a beautiful princess and will love you forever. Why won't you kiss me?"

"I'm just a 10 year old boy," said Charlie. "I don't need a princess, but a talking frog is really cool!"

-Charlie found a frog on his way home

-The frog asked him to kiss him to turn her into a princess

-The frog promised to clean and do work for Charlie if he would kiss her and turn her into a princess

-Charlie said a talking frog was cool, so he did not want to turn her into a princess.


Some things seem to find themselves.


Two meanings of the word: hard


Have you ever stayed up past midnight? 


When he was younger, he ________ that puppies were baby cats!

(Past tense of think)



A little frog was hopping down the road when he saw a cat.
In a very loud voice the frog shouted, "WAKE UP! TELL ME, WHAT DO YOU EAT?"

The cat yawned and said, "I drink milk," and went back to sleep.

Very loudly the frog said, "OH, THAT'S NICE!" and hopped down the road.

Then the little frog met a dog. "DOG!" shouted the frog, "WHAT DO YOU EAT?"

"I eat meat," said the dog.
The frog shouted, "OH, THAT'S NICE!" and hopped down the road.

Then the frog met a cow munching on some grass. The big-mouth frog shouted, "COW, WHAT DO YOU EAT?"

"Can't you see?" said the cow. "I eat grass!"
Again, the frog shouted in its big voice, "OH! THAT'S NICE!" and hopped away.

Then the frog saw a big snake curled up on the road and shouted, "SNAKE! WHAT DO YOU EAT?"

The snake hissed, looked at the frog, and said, "I eat little frogs with big mouths!"

The frog hopped back, then whispered in a very small voice, "Oh... that's nice."

-A frog had a very loud voice

-He asked different animals what they liked to eat

-The snake said he liked to eat loud frogs

-The frog started talking to the snake in a quiet voice


I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought
Wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.


Two meanings of the word: bat


If you could only eat one food for a whole month, what would it be?