Teachers Choice
Mission Driven Teen
Principles and Laws
Character Counts

Fill in the blank from this Joseph Smith quote

"Teach them correct principles and let them ______ themselves"



T/F Facts and Truth are the same thing.....



In order to love others why is it important for us to take care of ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally? 

You can't pour from an empty cup.

The more of yourself you have, the more you can give?


God governs his planet through which types of laws

Natural Laws


Describe 1 character trait of Ralph Moody

answers will vary


In the poem "Who am I" the last paragraph reads

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy withme and I will destroy you. 

What is the answer to the riddle of the poem?

I am Habit


Is the following information about Gandhi Truth or Facts

*Born in India

*Youngest child of 4th wife

*Married at 13



The quotes I posted around the room earlier this semester all had what in common?

They were about principles


What are Gods 2 great laws?

Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself

Matthew 22:36-39


Character means 2 different things. Describe the difference between them. 

1- Mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual

2- Person in a novel, play or Movie


What 2 ways did we discuss as being helpful as we prepare to read a book?

1- Learn about the Author

2- REad a plot summary


What does the truth do?

It set's you free


What is a paradigm?

The way you see something; it's your point of view, frame of reference, or belief.


Which of God's laws is enacted to save us from his law that no unclean thing can enter into heaven.

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

100 Bonus points if you can tell the class what analogy we used to teach this principle. 


What were we comparing in our object lesson using the dirty cup and the dirty water?

Character and Personality


"________ is a bundle of values in action"

-Daniel Taylor



What truth did Dr Ignaz Semmelwies discover in 1841?

That if the doctors washed their hands (with chlorene) between patients there would be 90% less deaths in the maternity ward. 

100 Bonus points if you can tell me how Ignaz story ends.


Whos story does Audrey Rindlischbacher use to teach us about living a mission driven life in her book?

 Corrie ten Boom


Describe the difference between a principle and the application of a principle

A principle tells you what you are supposed to do and is true for everyone

Application of a principle is how you apply the doctrine and can be individual



Who was the Doctor we learned about in the movie Gifted Hands?

Dr. Ben Carson

What are the 5 types of Questions we ask when trying to really understand what we are reading?

1-Knowledge, Meaning, Principle, Application, Interdisciplinary


Name 3 ways you can "Love truth"

Understand the Nature of True Principles - Look for and apply principles in your life - Study Conferenence talks - Study the scriptures - Pray for an understanding of truth and ask God to show you - Surround yourself with others who love truth---


What are the 4 foundational laws we have discussed   

Love God

Love Yourself

Love Truth

Love Humanity


What are the 3 types of Natural laws we discussed in class?

Laws that govern the planet (Physics, planets, solar system etc)

Laws that govern nature (Living things other than humans)

Laws that govern man (laws of human nature: philosophy, relgion, morality)


Describe 2 or more of the Characters (other than his father and brother) Benjamin Franklin surrounded himself with? Where they positive influences or negative?

Friend from childhood who manipulated him from him (collins). Govener of Philidelphia who lied and manipulated him. The man on the boat to England who used him (Ralph). The older man he met on the boat that eventually helped him get back on track (Denim)